
Marvelous Paoli, OK Homeowners Insurance Facts

Marvelous facts to give you ideas to save on your Paoli, OK homeowners insurance quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Paoli, OK & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Allen 4 bedroom 20 $5,557
2 Dale 2 bedroom 23 $1,837
3 Cole 4 bedroom 23 $4,097
4 Brooksville 3 bedroom 35 $5,183
5 Wanette 2 bedroom 57 $2,187
6 Dickson 4 bedroom 87 $6,500
7 Paoli 3 bedroom 127 $2,808
8 McLoud 1 bedroom 145 $1,875
9 Healdton 4 bedroom 146 $3,825
10 Bethel Acres 4 bedroom 160 $6,570
11 Wayne 3 bedroom 162 $2,765
12 Comanche 4 bedroom 223 $5,476
13 Seminole 3 bedroom 383 $4,027
14 Wynnewood 3 bedroom 590 $3,600
15 Healdton Central 2 bedroom 641 $2,700
16 Wanette 3 bedroom 703 $3,521
17 Johnston County 2 bedroom 1640 $3,508
18 Chickasha 2 bedroom 2781 $3,666
19 Ardmore 2 bedroom 4634 $3,377
20 McClain County 3 bedroom 9115 $3,870

Paoli, OK Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Paoli 10 $2,298 32 $3,104
2 Pontotoc 10 $2,329 77 $3,147
3 Alex 11 $1,931 166 $2,609
4 Duncan 11 $2,380 3039 $3,215
5 Murray County 16 $2,651 946 $3,581
6 Cleveland 18 $2,985 332 $4,033
7 Marlow 24 $2,847 534 $3,846
8 Pocasset 24 $4,653 72 $6,286
9 Seminole 26 $2,405 539 $3,249
10 Wanette 27 $2,502 170 $3,380
11 Pauls Valley 28 $2,173 1380 $2,936
12 Wewoka 35 $2,300 566 $3,108
13 Ardmore 38 $2,391 134 $3,230
14 Blanchard 45 $4,991 144 $6,742
15 Newcastle 48 $5,251 43 $7,094
16 Seminole County 67 $2,093 1350 $2,828
17 Shawnee 74 $3,525 3003 $4,762
18 Blanchard 120 $4,505 193 $6,086
19 Carter County 156 $2,926 4004 $3,953
20 Moore 159 $3,356 640 $4,534

Paoli, OK home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Davis 1,047 $2,703 33 $1,621
2 Noble 1,946 $4,164 45 $3,123
3 Sulphur 1,983 $2,600 43 $1,612
4 Comanche 2,242 $2,459 18 $1,622
5 Newcastle 2,458 $5,552 44 $4,108
6 Seminole 2,772 $2,888 159 $2,310
7 Wewoka 2,899 $2,080 19 $1,289
8 Seminole 4,298 $2,585 159 $1,654
9 Blanchard 4,747 $5,488 44 $3,402
10 Murray County 5,350 $2,517 80 $1,711
11 Pauls Valley 5,506 $3,083 127 $2,034
12 Mustang 5,629 $4,703 633 $3,009
13 Purcell 5,821 $4,282 33 $2,997
14 Chickasha 7,274 $2,418 419 $1,789
15 Del City 7,901 $2,982 293 $2,236
16 Ada 8,066 $3,926 492 $3,023
17 Seminole County 9,058 $3,027 185 $2,300
18 Moore 18,893 $3,460 1,089 $2,283
19 Cleveland 38,994 $5,214 3,046 $3,701
20 Cleveland County 77,052 $4,210 9,406 $2,694

Paoli, OK home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Paoli 132 $2,108 63 $2,740
2 Central High 319 $3,413 76 $4,095
3 Dibble 361 $2,276 55 $2,867
4 Healdton 386 $2,040 91 $2,529
5 Maysville 551 $2,047 172 $2,497
6 Seminole 603 $3,186 147 $4,109
7 Wynnewood 616 $1,791 310 $2,274
8 Nicoma Park 701 $3,612 186 $4,262
9 Lexington 703 $2,255 285 $2,728
10 Johnston 863 $2,679 238 $3,080
11 Stratford 891 $2,544 316 $3,129
12 Healdton Central 896 $2,495 260 $3,068
13 Harrah 1445 $4,139 523 $5,090
14 Comanche 1692 $2,171 477 $2,822
15 Pocasset 2119 $4,394 348 $5,536
16 Marlow 2177 $2,877 922 $3,394
17 Newcastle 2276 $5,189 470 $6,278
18 Mustang 4605 $3,855 1638 $4,626
19 Duncan 8129 $3,763 3446 $4,741
20 Pontotoc County 9833 $3,892 4859 $4,903