
Spectacular Shady Grove, OK Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Shady Grove, OK homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Shady Grove, OK & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Akins 4 bedroom 14 $5,115
2 Dutch Mills 4 bedroom 14 $7,518
3 Foyil 2 bedroom 17 $2,703
4 Short 4 bedroom 21 $6,792
5 Proctor 1 bedroom 29 $3,648
6 Sycamore 4 bedroom 31 $2,695
7 Cherry Tree 4 bedroom 44 $4,713
8 Shady Grove 2 bedroom 94 $2,703
9 Eldon 3 bedroom 102 $5,962
10 Morrow 3 bedroom 153 $5,915
11 Chouteau 2 bedroom 226 $2,931
12 Harmon 3 bedroom 268 $5,687
13 Adair 4 bedroom 313 $6,077
14 Cane Hill 3 bedroom 362 $3,408
15 Kansas 2 bedroom 484 $2,651
16 Lincoln 3 bedroom 605 $4,826
17 Stilwell 3 bedroom 1019 $3,960
18 Farmington 3 bedroom 1323 $4,712
19 Broken Arrow 4 bedroom 9557 $8,235
20 Tulsa County 4 bedroom 39636 $8,527

Shady Grove, OK Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Highfill 28 $5,701 10 $7,276
2 Bernice 32 $2,155 65 $2,751
3 Shady Grove 40 $2,545 22 $3,249
4 Nicut 40 $2,639 12 $3,369
5 Welling 43 $1,467 75 $1,872
6 Lost City 44 $3,064 16 $3,910
7 Belfonte 48 $1,217 22 $1,553
8 Oologah 118 $3,915 51 $4,996
9 Stilwell 118 $2,521 180 $3,217
10 Cane Hill 179 $3,663 79 $4,675
11 Tontitown 205 $5,777 55 $7,373
12 Fort Gibson 219 $3,782 104 $4,827
13 Adair 283 $3,987 258 $5,088
14 Vinita 286 $2,390 417 $3,050
15 Locust Grove 351 $2,745 326 $3,504
16 Verdigris 528 $5,023 25 $6,411
17 Farmington 637 $5,715 136 $7,293
18 Grove 2197 $3,839 913 $4,900
19 Delaware County 3952 $3,353 1441 $4,279
20 Washington County 22591 $5,049 4579 $6,444

Shady Grove, OK home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Langley 302 $2,504 17 $1,827
2 Gentry 1,024 $4,319 19 $3,325
3 Kansas 1,454 $2,128 11 $1,659
4 Inola 1,830 $4,956 26 $3,122
5 Prairie Grove 2,015 $5,542 59 $4,433
6 Cherokee 2,078 $2,717 28 $1,630
7 Stilwell 2,596 $2,714 35 $2,116
8 Mayes 2,922 $2,824 40 $1,976
9 Vian 2,992 $2,356 40 $1,767
10 Muldrow 3,333 $3,069 12 $2,025
11 Jay 4,180 $3,531 76 $2,789
12 Haskell County 4,429 $3,279 68 $2,295
13 Pryor Creek 6,452 $3,679 354 $2,464
14 Catoosa 8,556 $7,460 192 $4,476
15 Owasso 8,991 $5,021 1,494 $3,966
16 Cherokee County 13,435 $4,182 837 $3,178
17 Muskogee 19,021 $3,067 1,854 $2,085
18 Muskogee County 23,390 $3,623 1,874 $2,173
19 Washington County 55,706 $5,265 13,774 $3,948
20 Tulsa 182,866 $4,801 37,031 $3,648

Shady Grove, OK home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dennis 31 $2,458 18 $2,826
2 Wainwright 35 $1,620 22 $2,073
3 Drowning Creek 62 $1,159 18 $1,332
4 Big Cabin 79 $2,531 64 $3,062
5 Gans 107 $2,034 52 $2,562
6 Remy 139 $3,131 11 $3,631
7 Shady Grove 160 $3,570 30 $4,462
8 West Siloam Springs 162 $2,574 97 $3,320
9 Porter 163 $2,589 51 $3,158
10 Zeb 198 $3,142 35 $3,644
11 Langley 258 $2,744 98 $3,457
12 Peggs 284 $2,895 25 $3,647
13 Litteral 477 $5,359 204 $6,377
14 Texanna 713 $3,250 154 $4,127
15 Gentry 730 $3,381 393 $4,124
16 Tontitown 771 $7,648 136 $9,560
17 Wagoner 910 $3,404 206 $4,152
18 Mayes County 11781 $3,964 4418 $4,994
19 Washington County 44001 $5,820 33686 $6,751
20 Tulsa County 147843 $5,718 92966 $7,033