
Remarkable Leesburg, OH Homeowners Insurance Metrics

These remarkable metrics about Leesburg, OH homeowners insurance will make you smarter about getting a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Leesburg, OH & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Iberia 2 bedroom 22 $517
2 Holiday Valley 5 or more bedrooms 53 $1,072
3 Candlewood Lake 2 bedroom 64 $393
4 McKean 2 bedroom 100 $646
5 Commercial Point 2 bedroom 102 $495
6 Minerva Park 4 bedroom 122 $990
7 Cridersville 2 bedroom 234 $350
8 Bellville 2 bedroom 250 $416
9 Leesburg 3 bedroom 270 $862
10 Harlem 4 bedroom 340 $1,137
11 Crane 4 bedroom 375 $617
12 Granville 2 bedroom 443 $617
13 Lexington 2 bedroom 517 $495
14 Lincoln Village 4 bedroom 605 $618
15 Crawford 3 bedroom 901 $528
16 Violet 2 bedroom 1818 $780
17 Shelby County 4 bedroom 2774 $656
18 Reynoldsburg 3 bedroom 6329 $666
19 Grove City 3 bedroom 6477 $763
20 Delaware County 4 bedroom 24148 $1,397

Leesburg, OH Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Lockbourne 10 $352 20 $426
2 Crystal Lakes 36 $336 85 $406
3 Miller 51 $727 17 $880
4 Taylor 66 $794 27 $960
5 Biglick 91 $645 38 $780
6 Fredericktown 105 $493 148 $597
7 Prospect 116 $376 45 $455
8 Leesburg 188 $643 15 $778
9 Bennington 206 $571 85 $690
10 Kingston 211 $942 11 $1,139
11 Harmony 217 $546 110 $660
12 Sharon 276 $853 1553 $1,032
13 Whitehall 390 $408 3305 $494
14 Northridge 628 $528 372 $638
15 Truro 1649 $470 1937 $569
16 Etna 2023 $646 220 $781
17 Madison County 2470 $663 1410 $802
18 Genoa 2814 $1,148 184 $1,389
19 Pickaway County 3341 $591 1713 $714
20 Richland County 4886 $387 9153 $468

Leesburg, OH home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Ashley 342 $374 17 $299
2 Botkins 429 $436 10 $318
3 North Lewisburg 434 $511 50 $373
4 Bokescreek 445 $352 10 $225
5 Mechanicsburg 548 $344 31 $271
6 Morris 635 $631 10 $435
7 Carey 1,098 $378 65 $238
8 Cedarville 1,109 $572 34 $366
9 Bluffton 1,289 $444 159 $337
10 Gilead 1,879 $526 135 $394
11 Canal Winchester 2,362 $661 83 $475
12 Lincoln Village 2,862 $492 689 $388
13 Blendon 3,147 $615 132 $424
14 Duchouquet 4,719 $361 339 $256
15 Whitehall 5,165 $363 1,423 $254
16 Mount Vernon 5,300 $397 504 $246
17 Grove City 11,148 $626 733 $419
18 Madison County 12,609 $666 588 $526
19 Springfield 20,054 $282 2,927 $191
20 Franklin County 337,946 $721 74,525 $447

Leesburg, OH home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 New Hampshire 34 $346 15 $435
2 Harpster 70 $344 14 $440
3 South Vienna 103 $413 43 $491
4 South Solon 140 $265 26 $310
5 Nevada 181 $213 91 $261
6 Roundhead 225 $404 77 $464
7 Holiday Valley 446 $613 54 $711
8 Hale 467 $406 80 $507
9 Leesburg 481 $490 77 $617
10 Minerva Park 520 $611 50 $757
11 Cranberry 579 $456 90 $583
12 Bellville 661 $471 193 $602
13 Auglaize 852 $473 145 $577
14 Ada 916 $317 909 $393
15 Lake Darby 1420 $481 86 $601
16 New Carlisle 1425 $346 790 $442
17 Sidney 5260 $417 2966 $537
18 Clinton 5301 $492 2877 $629
19 Madison County 10504 $532 4275 $659
20 Union County 13864 $708 4249 $899