
Hilliar, OH Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Hilliar, OH homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Hilliar, OH & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Glenmont 4 bedroom 10 $563
2 Big Island 1 bedroom 17 $517
3 Glenford 3 bedroom 32 $495
4 Virginia 4 bedroom 39 $453
5 Raymond 3 bedroom 44 $605
6 Darbydale 2 bedroom 61 $461
7 Dresden 1 bedroom 79 $200
8 Holmesville 3 bedroom 85 $632
9 Riverlea 3 bedroom 93 $1,265
10 Crooksville 1 bedroom 144 $293
11 Amanda 2 bedroom 169 $563
12 Thornville 3 bedroom 194 $591
13 Lincoln 2 bedroom 214 $450
14 Pleasant Grove 3 bedroom 271 $528
15 Utica 3 bedroom 387 $440
16 Hilliar 3 bedroom 696 $768
17 Bucyrus 4 bedroom 740 $633
18 Heath 4 bedroom 770 $787
19 Galion 2 bedroom 1427 $402
20 Licking County 2 bedroom 14978 $393

Hilliar, OH Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Ashley 18 $330 59 $385
2 Grand Prairie 25 $497 122 $580
3 Pleasant Grove 27 $485 107 $565
4 Newcastle 32 $382 82 $446
5 Pitt 53 $457 70 $532
6 Hale 64 $387 57 $451
7 Crestline 100 $286 229 $334
8 Beechwood Trails 104 $698 350 $814
9 Galena 109 $790 40 $922
10 Zanesville 139 $570 112 $664
11 Bexley 156 $996 310 $1,161
12 Lake Darby 183 $615 516 $717
13 Obetz 199 $435 323 $507
14 Berkshire 230 $1,112 223 $1,296
15 Hilliar 264 $657 240 $766
16 Granville 359 $747 473 $871
17 Clearcreek 409 $622 164 $725
18 Sunbury 649 $683 251 $796
19 Mount Vernon 829 $340 779 $396
20 Pickaway County 3734 $506 2895 $590

Hilliar, OH home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Somerset 460 $498 55 $353
2 Dresden 482 $438 15 $302
3 Granville 513 $924 52 $591
4 Hebron 596 $376 51 $300
5 Morris 635 $597 10 $441
6 Crooksville 772 $270 100 $183
7 Cardington 847 $465 43 $372
8 Somerford 1,091 $631 34 $473
9 Hilliar 1,110 $541 13 $340
10 Claibourne 1,137 $457 29 $297
11 Crestline 1,819 $365 34 $233
12 Lincoln Village 2,862 $374 689 $299
13 Shelby 3,113 $282 137 $191
14 Pataskala 4,643 $649 331 $441
15 Whitehall 5,165 $391 1,423 $301
16 Wyandot County 7,954 $379 198 $234
17 Gahanna 10,772 $895 1,225 $599
18 Holmes County 11,315 $518 100 $310
19 Violet 12,358 $655 523 $517
20 Dublin 12,760 $1,156 1,345 $843

Hilliar, OH home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Conesville 104 $334 17 $420
2 Chatfield 150 $407 80 $512
3 Oak Run 164 $979 52 $1,272
4 Nevada 181 $213 91 $264
5 Shiloh 189 $297 28 $347
6 Marne 204 $701 69 $897
7 Miller 288 $762 32 $967
8 Shreve 347 $295 180 $359
9 New Washington 373 $387 58 $456
10 Morris 517 $750 140 $877
11 Hebron 522 $460 523 $593
12 Mount Gilead 767 $458 606 $558
13 Hilliar 979 $510 260 $663
14 Clearcreek 1160 $586 264 $714
15 Shelby 2545 $308 1437 $366
16 Whitehall 2988 $428 4339 $543
17 Powell 3770 $1,245 151 $1,431
18 Marysville 4489 $518 3009 $595
19 Genoa 7699 $1,172 255 $1,406
20 Jackson 11153 $704 4250 $823