
Lawrence, OH Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Lawrence, OH homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Lawrence, OH & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Gann 2 bedroom 29 $206
2 Rochester 4 bedroom 53 $528
3 Danville 4 bedroom 68 $666
4 Magnolia 2 bedroom 68 $280
5 Ellsworth 4 bedroom 136 $1,057
6 Boston Heights 4 bedroom 206 $1,462
7 Augusta 3 bedroom 312 $632
8 Nelson 2 bedroom 344 $506
9 Navarre 3 bedroom 370 $495
10 Brown 4 bedroom 454 $637
11 Moreland Hills 4 bedroom 457 $2,475
12 Marlboro 4 bedroom 488 $1,012
13 Doylestown 3 bedroom 521 $618
14 Minerva 2 bedroom 541 $350
15 Wellington 2 bedroom 627 $371
16 Richville 3 bedroom 939 $577
17 Randolph 3 bedroom 993 $780
18 Lawrence 2 bedroom 1291 $440
19 Fairview Park 2 bedroom 1849 $405
20 Middleburg Heights 3 bedroom 3407 $900

Lawrence, OH Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Dennison 22 $264 95 $316
2 Greentown 36 $849 44 $1,018
3 Craig Beach 41 $292 56 $350
4 Northfield Center 61 $779 31 $935
5 Oberlin 62 $483 79 $579
6 Garrettsville 103 $497 43 $596
7 135 $301 97 $361
8 Meyers Lake 142 $551 11 $661
9 Guilford 148 $775 46 $930
10 Southington 166 $474 45 $568
11 Carlisle 191 $699 372 $838
12 LaGrange 198 $645 61 $773
13 Palmyra 225 $576 27 $691
14 Newton 243 $395 659 $474
15 Portage Lakes 251 $545 437 $654
16 Warrensville Heights 320 $367 837 $441
17 East Union 333 $426 79 $510
18 Milton 345 $496 311 $595
19 Lawrence 589 $545 176 $654
20 Elyria 1519 $457 1668 $548

Lawrence, OH home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Garrettsville 700 $650 176 $442
2 Warwick 1,050 $380 50 $277
3 Newcomerstown 1,095 $236 64 $146
4 Minerva 1,333 $292 24 $195
5 Sebring 1,498 $328 483 $246
6 Uhrichsville 1,657 $280 221 $196
7 Mantua 1,711 $552 11 $436
8 Oberlin 1,941 $679 259 $461
9 Munroe Falls 1,953 $615 202 $387
10 Tuscarawas 2,211 $548 22 $421
11 Carlisle 3,045 $522 72 $334
12 Ravenna 3,650 $436 587 $274
13 Lawrence 4,444 $640 205 $473
14 Lyndhurst 5,559 $533 884 $421
15 Rocky River 6,386 $682 2,246 $545
16 Avon Lake 8,152 $1,021 1,009 $714
17 Austintown 13,666 $355 2,294 $213
18 Strongsville 14,784 $932 2,494 $689
19 Wayne County 35,033 $642 1,399 $507
20 Lorain County 101,021 $560 10,352 $375

Lawrence, OH home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dellroy 67 $345 33 $414
2 New Pittsburg 68 $424 32 $508
3 Glenmont 78 $305 16 $362
4 Gloria Glens Park 142 $421 72 $496
5 Mill Creek 147 $485 84 $596
6 Hilltop 168 $308 57 $388
7 Warsaw 226 $305 94 $387
8 Fitchville 303 $600 68 $714
9 Bratenahl 569 $1,282 133 $1,653
10 Parkman 898 $814 189 $993
11 Silver Lake 957 $976 46 $1,122
12 Smith 1525 $292 399 $367
13 Columbia 2414 $824 165 $988
14 Brunswick Hills 3314 $622 389 $758
15 University Heights 3377 $592 1410 $745
16 Lawrence 4060 $459 1057 $596
17 Brecksville 4340 $1,047 684 $1,329
18 Ashland 5019 $359 2963 $430
19 Canfield 5099 $765 1117 $956
20 Tuscarawas County 26556 $408 9742 $477