
Incredible Jerome, OH Homeowners Insurance Facts

Knowing these incredible facts can get you unheard of savings on your Jerome, OH homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Jerome, OH & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Millcreek 2 bedroom 28 $715
2 Marseilles 4 bedroom 41 $568
3 Lewistown 3 bedroom 44 $420
4 Bokescreek 4 bedroom 52 $715
5 Bloomingburg 4 bedroom 58 $481
6 Rushsylvania 2 bedroom 65 $262
7 Quincy 3 bedroom 124 $517
8 Valleyview 3 bedroom 137 $520
9 Mechanicsburg 4 bedroom 142 $656
10 Amanda 4 bedroom 142 $787
11 North Bloomfield 2 bedroom 162 $411
12 Granville 4 bedroom 185 $880
13 Johnstown 2 bedroom 224 $632
14 Harmony 4 bedroom 266 $780
15 Bennington 4 bedroom 314 $922
16 Zane 3 bedroom 319 $618
17 Pickaway 3 bedroom 469 $843
18 Baltimore 3 bedroom 593 $666
19 Jerome 4 bedroom 1004 $1,200
20 Circleville 3 bedroom 2702 $698

Jerome, OH Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Mechanicsburg 11 $279 42 $356
2 Utica 12 $287 61 $367
3 Millersport 24 $588 63 $750
4 Tod 25 $517 11 $660
5 Grand Prairie 25 $465 210 $593
6 Polk 29 $352 127 $449
7 West Liberty 30 $478 124 $610
8 Jeffersonville 38 $333 17 $425
9 Chippewa Park 43 $353 150 $451
10 New Carlisle 47 $280 538 $358
11 Claibourne 105 $413 140 $527
12 Whitehall 208 $285 3305 $364
13 Walnut 305 $551 452 $703
14 Urbana 426 $458 894 $585
15 Moorefield 727 $412 601 $526
16 Mount Vernon 829 $387 993 $494
17 Heath 943 $491 548 $627
18 Jerome 949 $910 69 $1,161
19 Truro 976 $446 1937 $569
20 Fairborn 1763 $322 3432 $411

Jerome, OH home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 La Rue 215 $266 16 $188
2 Hebron 596 $439 51 $346
3 Mount Sterling 638 $429 50 $261
4 Prospect 721 $478 14 $329
5 Harbor Hills 721 $575 62 $419
6 Sunbury Village 1,456 $594 55 $421
7 Johnstown 1,556 $661 170 $396
8 Huber Ridge 1,584 $475 70 $375
9 Grandview Heights 2,061 $1,023 230 $705
10 Canal Winchester 2,362 $887 83 $691
11 Jerome 2,474 $1,154 61 $911
12 Washington Court House 4,940 $488 259 $361
13 Mount Vernon 5,300 $449 504 $350
14 Paris 5,588 $668 627 $514
15 Pickerington 5,602 $664 346 $411
16 Bethel 6,317 $338 119 $246
17 Norwich 10,269 $660 733 $396
18 Gahanna 10,772 $615 1,225 $473
19 Dublin 12,760 $1,387 1,345 $859
20 Newark 15,208 $478 1,652 $344

Jerome, OH home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Oceola 30 $202 17 $258
2 Tremont City 99 $313 63 $388
3 McGuffey 113 $266 34 $329
4 Rushsylvania 139 $313 29 $384
5 Jasper 139 $453 155 $557
6 Pleasantville 183 $368 175 $471
7 Miller 288 $697 32 $864
8 Logan Elm Village 289 $474 144 $559
9 Millersport 292 $650 168 $832
10 Fairfield Beach 397 $441 96 $520
11 Forest 407 $306 185 $391
12 Jamestown 417 $458 320 $567
13 Baltimore 606 $571 487 $696
14 Buck 646 $358 232 $447
15 Huber Ridge 1041 $585 642 $702
16 Park Layne 1099 $279 509 $343
17 Jerome 2295 $1,065 207 $1,288
18 Granville 2434 $852 344 $1,013
19 Champaign County 11346 $467 3894 $541
20 Violet 11362 $635 2130 $762