
Perry, OH Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Perry, OH homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Perry, OH & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Dellroy 2 bedroom 25 $332
2 Linton 1 bedroom 26 $237
3 Stock 4 bedroom 53 $907
4 Freeport 3 bedroom 110 $483
5 Salt Creek 4 bedroom 111 $900
6 New Cumberland 1 bedroom 130 $243
7 Hilltop 3 bedroom 139 $483
8 Bucks 2 bedroom 139 $382
9 Newell 2 bedroom 173 $218
10 Canal Fulton 4 bedroom 234 $810
11 Osnaburg 2 bedroom 531 $461
12 Chippewa 4 bedroom 685 $922
13 Ravenna 1 bedroom 791 $212
14 Brooklyn 3 bedroom 2536 $495
15 Shaker Heights 3 bedroom 2543 $855
16 Plain 4 bedroom 4476 $1,057
17 Coshocton County 2 bedroom 4885 $376
18 Perry 3 bedroom 6648 $467
19 Austintown 3 bedroom 9507 $605
20 Portage County 4 bedroom 11917 $787

Perry, OH Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Londonderry 10 $341 14 $480
2 Canfield 13 $539 211 $760
3 Canal Fulton 13 $387 57 $545
4 Calcutta 13 $463 29 $653
5 Middleburg Heights 14 $643 297 $907
6 Hinckley 15 $936 146 $1,319
7 Lakemore 15 $398 261 $561
8 Lake 16 $467 435 $659
9 Alliance 16 $284 1106 $401
10 Weathersfield 20 $267 1310 $377
11 Niles 20 $278 1075 $392
12 Columbiana County 22 $391 3483 $551
13 Holmes County 24 $612 558 $862
14 Brunswick 25 $654 148 $923
15 Harrison County 31 $330 618 $465
16 Berea 40 $436 636 $615
17 Canton 50 $222 4474 $313
18 Solon 52 $964 211 $1,359
19 Portage County 131 $630 2710 $888
20 Stark County 267 $435 14242 $613

Perry, OH home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Mill Creek 138 $539 12 $366
2 Nottingham 191 $423 22 $300
3 Lodi 676 $308 204 $243
4 Strasburg 909 $570 62 $450
5 Calcutta 1,225 $529 48 $396
6 Mogadore 1,383 $529 14 $365
7 Knox 1,525 $273 79 $188
8 Bethlehem 1,584 $334 69 $207
9 Hardy 1,665 $391 87 $269
10 Montrose-Ghent 1,989 $1,079 90 $722
11 Bedford Heights 2,684 $537 2,405 $359
12 Mill 3,180 $229 261 $144
13 Salem 4,163 $399 249 $251
14 Dover 4,200 $552 317 $347
15 Bainbridge 4,240 $1,208 290 $893
16 Tallmadge 6,290 $636 547 $407
17 Perry 9,987 $429 384 $291
18 Massillon 12,100 $337 651 $222
19 Cuyahoga Falls 16,898 $549 3,325 $411
20 Stark County 130,134 $484 9,326 $353

Perry, OH home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Bergholz 202 $264 77 $332
2 274 $664 46 $863
3 Morgandale 382 $327 158 $402
4 South Canal 401 $433 89 $528
5 Glenmoor 597 $303 147 $393
6 Valley View 639 $1,031 61 $1,319
7 Flushing 640 $214 164 $263
8 Dennison 697 $250 383 $290
9 Lodi 809 $334 476 $434
10 Northfield 960 $537 532 $698
11 Ravenna 2454 $360 2434 $468
12 Olmsted Falls 2773 $535 589 $615
13 Norton 4214 $504 570 $624
14 Kent 4226 $616 6361 $776
15 Brook Park 6175 $560 1427 $677
16 Hudson 6735 $1,060 892 $1,356
17 Solon 7016 $1,128 1220 $1,331
18 Perry 8941 $476 2475 $552
19 Boardman 12521 $526 5639 $641
20 Stark County 105254 $459 45045 $537