
Excellent Springboro, OH Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Springboro, OH homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Springboro, OH & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Elizabethtown 4 bedroom 16 $402
2 Bath 5 or more bedrooms 30 $1,925
3 Phillipsburg 4 bedroom 32 $617
4 Hamersville 4 bedroom 43 $693
5 St. Leon 2 bedroom 49 $601
6 Donnelsville 3 bedroom 64 $763
7 Mutual 3 bedroom 64 $495
8 Staunton 2 bedroom 126 $382
9 Sterling 4 bedroom 219 $780
10 Mariemont 4 bedroom 293 $1,725
11 Evendale 4 bedroom 603 $1,537
12 Highland Heights 3 bedroom 767 $585
13 Deer Park 3 bedroom 844 $646
14 Symmes 2 bedroom 1335 $900
15 Loveland 4 bedroom 1859 $1,155
16 Sharonville 3 bedroom 1927 $675
17 Hebron 4 bedroom 2288 $1,332
18 Springboro 3 bedroom 2734 $656
19 Miami 3 bedroom 10371 $763
20 Hamilton County 4 bedroom 66914 $1,265

Springboro, OH Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Skyline Acres 13 $360 27 $432
2 Ryland Heights 25 $535 19 $642
3 Adams 32 $415 86 $497
4 Amberley 43 $1,480 113 $1,774
5 Massie 59 $777 14 $932
6 Terrace Park 65 $2,048 97 $2,455
7 Vernon 106 $524 26 $629
8 Salem Heights 115 $619 210 $742
9 Norwood 152 $472 805 $566
10 Brookville 260 $564 131 $677
11 Sherwood 278 $793 16 $951
12 Taylor Mill 315 $679 119 $814
13 Clay 346 $464 287 $556
14 Englewood 392 $494 170 $592
15 Goshen 668 $628 174 $753
16 Monfort Heights 674 $633 323 $759
17 Springboro 883 $920 31 $1,103
18 Sycamore 1119 $575 721 $690
19 Concord 1135 $567 901 $680
20 Clark County 4236 $346 5218 $415

Springboro, OH home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Miamitown 70 $520 595 $374
2 Melbourne 182 $492 26 $354
3 Jeffersonville 402 $291 11 $229
4 Lynchburg 443 $384 26 $245
5 Kelso 885 $657 25 $499
6 Whitewater 1,126 $337 608 $239
7 Yellow Springs 1,424 $660 32 $501
8 Dillonvale 1,524 $650 96 $513
9 Hillsboro 2,261 $372 211 $267
10 Sugarcreek 2,607 $1,239 115 $842
11 Dent 2,763 $661 1,117 $423
12 Eaton 2,982 $304 154 $200
13 Northbrook 3,435 $358 378 $232
14 Trenton 3,644 $494 249 $335
15 Springboro 5,730 $750 185 $510
16 Concord 9,573 $494 655 $350
17 Clear Creek 10,216 $1,115 185 $769
18 Union 14,277 $568 3,641 $363
19 Miami 15,617 $659 2,443 $434
20 Cincinnati 70,753 $444 41,965 $306

Springboro, OH home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Mount Carmel 26 $236 20 $302
2 St. Martin 65 $448 37 $542
3 Buford 81 $135 18 $174
4 Clarksville 92 $294 131 $349
5 Elizabethtown 95 $88 23 $102
6 Donnelsville 109 $517 33 $666
7 Phillipsburg 168 $389 85 $497
8 Pleasant Hills 171 $445 20 $547
9 Farmersville 289 $444 80 $528
10 Boston 308 $619 36 $804
11 Ansonia 331 $279 102 $343
12 Pleasant Hill 336 $519 88 $669
13 Wetherington 580 $1,722 14 $1,980
14 New Burlington 1310 $585 545 $754
15 Cherry Grove 1401 $675 92 $864
16 Fort Wright 1793 $902 616 $1,145
17 Pierce 4222 $766 1180 $896
18 Clayton 4403 $582 765 $739
19 Springboro 5000 $937 806 $1,189
20 Clermont County 55922 $666 17937 $772