
Incredible Tyrone, NY Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Tyrone, NY homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Tyrone, NY & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Roseville 4 bedroom 20 $1,485
2 Millport 2 bedroom 42 $778
3 Venice 2 bedroom 69 $1,113
4 Berkshire 2 bedroom 112 $1,091
5 Woodhull 4 bedroom 144 $1,567
6 Mentz 4 bedroom 145 $1,706
7 Catharine 4 bedroom 146 $1,885
8 Seneca 4 bedroom 237 $1,931
9 Clifton Springs 1 bedroom 251 $706
10 West Bloomfield 2 bedroom 272 $857
11 Sheshequin 3 bedroom 336 $1,495
12 Hornby 3 bedroom 343 $1,203
13 Ridgebury 3 bedroom 385 $1,636
14 Fairport 4 bedroom 454 $2,160
15 Tyrone 2 bedroom 466 $1,293
16 Campbell 3 bedroom 603 $1,388
17 Avon 4 bedroom 634 $1,867
18 Aurelius 3 bedroom 641 $1,722
19 Elmira Heights 3 bedroom 750 $1,046
20 Newark Valley 3 bedroom 879 $1,375

Tyrone, NY Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Ridgebury 11 $914 200 $1,128
2 Lansing 11 $1,521 1164 $1,876
3 Perinton 13 $1,870 4072 $2,308
4 Ulysses 13 $1,787 203 $2,206
5 Newfield 14 $852 489 $1,051
6 Covert 17 $763 107 $942
7 Cayuga County 17 $989 4610 $1,220
8 Nichols 17 $611 105 $754
9 West Bloomfield 18 $901 130 $1,111
10 Macedon 19 $1,327 692 $1,638
11 Barton 23 $754 379 $930
12 Tioga County 26 $832 3450 $1,027
13 Campbell 27 $552 211 $681
14 Seneca County 29 $936 1735 $1,155
15 Livonia 35 $1,436 468 $1,772
16 Tioga County 40 $838 3354 $1,034
17 Livingston County 42 $1,151 3161 $1,421
18 Steuben County 73 $837 6772 $1,032
19 Farmington 92 $1,184 2102 $1,461
20 Victor 161 $1,692 592 $2,088

Tyrone, NY home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Montour Falls 393 $671 75 $422
2 Munsons Corners 457 $1,255 181 $1,004
3 Andover 662 $502 12 $301
4 Ithaca 696 $1,866 164 $1,343
5 Moravia 843 $967 59 $734
6 Wellsboro 1,067 $1,469 176 $1,175
7 East Bloomfield 1,144 $1,596 54 $1,101
8 Starkey 1,162 $779 105 $607
9 Canisteo 1,219 $669 33 $421
10 Lyons 1,775 $559 158 $363
11 Fairport 1,857 $1,989 14 $1,213
12 Livonia 2,527 $1,591 31 $1,081
13 Mendon 2,969 $2,450 223 $1,494
14 Canandaigua 3,003 $1,474 684 $884
15 Ithaca 3,199 $1,733 2,591 $1,091
16 Geneva 3,241 $1,028 555 $771
17 Victor 4,467 $2,136 435 $1,452
18 Owego 6,608 $1,351 337 $945
19 Perinton 15,836 $1,773 811 $1,365
20 Tompkins County 22,298 $1,930 4,923 $1,389

Tyrone, NY home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Groveland Station 86 $943 17 $1,159
2 Cumminsville 91 $156 14 $201
3 Millport 109 $693 33 $824
4 Savona 204 $911 97 $1,156
5 Newfield Hamlet 224 $867 56 $1,101
6 Wells 239 $934 64 $1,186
7 Ithaca 285 $2,312 261 $2,774
8 Bloomfield 397 $1,548 157 $1,935
9 Italy 422 $907 35 $1,115
10 Tyrone 472 $990 179 $1,267
11 Van Etten 476 $1,062 107 $1,242
12 Locke 593 $1,104 96 $1,346
13 Woodhull 604 $798 104 $997
14 Montour 711 $963 316 $1,155
15 Horseheads 890 $1,642 254 $1,986
16 Hopewell 1090 $1,231 267 $1,464
17 Fayette 1286 $1,508 204 $1,885
18 Brutus 1470 $789 333 $970
19 Skaneateles 2447 $2,166 453 $2,599
20 Macedon 2672 $1,423 863 $1,750