
Outstanding Storey County, NV Homeowners Insurance Stats

Outstanding stats that is very useful to know in getting a damn good deal on your Storey County, NV homeowners insurance quote.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Storey County, NV & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Floriston 2 bedroom 12 $2,475
2 Logan Creek 3 bedroom 17 $368
3 Sierraville 2 bedroom 33 $221
4 Vinton 5 or more bedrooms 35 $1,950
5 Wadsworth 2 bedroom 47 $483
6 Topaz Lake 4 bedroom 61 $1,397
7 Glenbrook 5 or more bedrooms 61 $5,700
8 Kingvale 3 bedroom 131 $1,875
9 Ruhenstroth 2 bedroom 139 $910
10 Genoa 5 or more bedrooms 214 $5,500
11 Storey County 2 bedroom 386 $845
12 Tahoma 2 bedroom 519 $1,182
13 Fernley 2 bedroom 1513 $551
14 Johnson Lane 3 bedroom 1655 $1,885
15 Carson 4 bedroom 2807 $1,575
16 Monumental Ridge 2 bedroom 3463 $1,035
17 Incline Village 3 bedroom 3856 $2,025
18 Douglas County 4 bedroom 4082 $2,609
19 South Lake Tahoe 3 bedroom 9605 $1,722
20 Lyon County 3 bedroom 12642 $862

Storey County, NV Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Glenbrook 16 $4,072 16 $5,445
2 Lemmon Valley 40 $684 20 $914
3 Virginia City 58 $1,112 123 $1,487
4 Sierra 109 $1,032 290 $1,380
5 Kings Beach 114 $1,514 150 $2,025
6 Minden 253 $1,109 42 $1,483
7 Storey County 434 $1,022 190 $1,367
8 Sun Valley 534 $387 74 $517
9 Jacks Valley 982 $1,271 189 $1,700
10 Washoe Valley 1200 $1,274 68 $1,703
11 Gardnerville 1215 $934 17 $1,249
12 South Lake Tahoe 1577 $1,891 700 $2,528
13 Verdi 1803 $1,432 42 $1,915
14 Fallon 1896 $695 575 $930
15 Carson 2880 $822 521 $1,099
16 Reno 3806 $1,468 1441 $1,963
17 Douglas County 5015 $1,648 326 $2,204
18 Reno 6403 $866 2152 $1,157
19 Lyon County 7642 $611 357 $817
20 Truckee Canyon 11352 $1,302 65 $1,741

Storey County, NV home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Soda Springs 185 $-5 77 $-3
2 Golden Valley 618 $1,436 58 $1,091
3 Kingsbury 1,073 $2,411 120 $1,470
4 Dollar Point 1,128 $2,274 13 $1,364
5 Tahoe Vista 1,169 $2,642 98 $1,955
6 Sierra 1,181 $1,072 48 $707
7 Silver Springs 1,271 $618 35 $383
8 Tahoma 1,830 $2,097 35 $1,677
9 Sun Valley 2,504 $428 194 $261
10 Zephyr Cove 3,093 $2,116 260 $1,587
11 Jacks Valley 3,503 $1,546 63 $943
12 Dayton 4,513 $858 97 $549
13 Incline Village 6,575 $2,760 448 $1,932
14 Fallon 7,124 $689 264 $482
15 Minden 11,637 $1,419 205 $922
16 Carson 14,778 $931 3,373 $651
17 Reno 15,938 $1,190 6,286 $821
18 Truckee Canyon 18,208 $1,439 599 $863
19 Reno 20,138 $1,701 4,142 $1,343
20 Sparks 26,120 $1,151 3,856 $725

Storey County, NV home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Fallon Station 12 $-5 206 $-5
2 Sutcliffe 86 $432 17 $535
3 Sierra Brooks 116 $1,290 35 $1,651
4 Carter Springs 137 $697 26 $850
5 Wadsworth 181 $618 88 $784
6 Round Hill Village 306 $2,477 88 $3,195
7 Virginia City 335 $992 42 $1,269
8 Tahoe Vista 373 $2,426 172 $2,911
9 Sunnyside-Tahoe City 467 $2,370 255 $2,725
10 Sierra 623 $1,255 283 $1,606
11 Golden Valley 641 $1,033 66 $1,311
12 Zephyr Cove 1316 $2,581 801 $3,019
13 Storey County 1742 $1,014 97 $1,308
14 Yerington 2054 $585 1177 $731
15 Silver Springs 2243 $571 477 $725
16 Cold Springs 2771 $650 383 $786
17 Fallon 5839 $721 3315 $857
18 South Lake Tahoe 6072 $2,200 5670 $2,750
19 North Valleys 13409 $783 4613 $900
20 Reno 16250 $1,894 8942 $2,234