
Incline Village, NV Homeowners Insurance Outstanding Info

Get this outstanding information about Incline Village, NV homeowners insurance to get the cheapest quotes and save a fortune

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Incline Village, NV & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Topaz 3 bedroom 12 $221
2 Pine Nut 2 bedroom 15 $2,564
3 Mesa Vista 2 bedroom 22 $1,215
4 Alpine Village 3 bedroom 36 $3,300
5 Verdi 4 bedroom 67 $3,450
6 Golden Valley 4 bedroom 90 $1,875
7 Loyalton 3 bedroom 165 $666
8 Sierra 1 bedroom 172 $673
9 Markleeville 1 bedroom 347 $990
10 Alpine County 1 bedroom 347 $1,012
11 Sunnyside-Tahoe City 2 bedroom 354 $2,564
12 Cold Springs 2 bedroom 392 $540
13 Tahoma 2 bedroom 519 $1,987
14 Incline Village 2 bedroom 1555 $1,875
15 Truckee 4 bedroom 2587 $2,990
16 South Lake Tahoe 4 bedroom 3320 $2,640
17 Dayton 3 bedroom 3529 $1,050
18 Lyon County 2 bedroom 4846 $663
19 Carson 3 bedroom 10611 $1,192
20 Reno 3 bedroom 31490 $1,350

Incline Village, NV Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Skyland 15 $4,591 32 $5,353
2 Carnelian Bay 18 $2,534 327 $2,954
3 Alta 29 $1,289 64 $1,503
4 Mesa Vista 42 $1,542 16 $1,797
5 Mogul 59 $1,688 67 $1,968
6 Sierra County 165 $1,009 576 $1,176
7 Minden 253 $1,353 166 $1,578
8 Incline Village 424 $2,497 2144 $2,911
9 Yerington 545 $702 998 $818
10 Johnson Lane 771 $1,478 374 $1,723
11 Jacks Valley 982 $1,367 646 $1,594
12 Verdi 1803 $1,462 240 $1,704
13 Monumental Ridge 1903 $1,829 2919 $2,132
14 Spanish Springs 2608 $1,352 178 $1,577
15 Reno 3806 $1,434 5945 $1,672
16 Fernley 3812 $653 494 $761
17 Douglas County 5015 $1,594 5362 $1,858
18 Reno 6403 $866 5820 $1,009
19 Lyon County 7642 $533 3251 $622
20 Placer County 44896 $1,284 24868 $1,497

Incline Village, NV home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Soda Springs 185 $-5 77 $-3
2 Kirkwood 322 $-4 428 $-2
3 Round Hill Village 527 $2,625 18 $2,047
4 Golden Valley 618 $1,462 58 $1,169
5 Kingsbury 1,073 $2,369 120 $1,681
6 Lemmon Valley 1,528 $787 18 $613
7 Back County 2,397 $1,637 36 $982
8 Pollock Pines 2,592 $1,174 49 $833
9 Jacks Valley 3,503 $1,897 63 $1,346
10 Dayton 4,513 $810 97 $623
11 Spanish Springs 5,417 $1,420 104 $1,136
12 Incline Village 6,575 $2,967 448 $2,017
13 Monumental Ridge 10,700 $1,672 373 $1,120
14 Truckee 10,807 $2,216 173 $1,506
15 North Valleys 14,725 $846 640 $532
16 Lyon County 15,204 $662 306 $417
17 Reno 15,938 $1,305 6,286 $926
18 South Lake Tahoe 18,183 $1,870 1,214 $1,346
19 Reno 18,541 $1,103 9,860 $805
20 Placer County 122,357 $1,739 9,946 $1,130

Incline Village, NV home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Carnelian Bay 124 $2,703 28 $3,243
2 Vinton 157 $1,567 32 $1,927
3 Wadsworth 181 $702 88 $856
4 Tahoma 208 $2,557 222 $3,247
5 Genoa 266 $3,502 75 $4,482
6 Kings Beach 360 $1,496 851 $1,750
7 Tahoe Vista 373 $2,857 172 $3,428
8 Topaz Ranch Estates 603 $903 115 $1,146
9 Gardnerville 1336 $1,308 1175 $1,595
10 Lake Tahoe 2305 $2,872 1708 $3,446
11 Verdi 2332 $1,292 426 $1,485
12 Incline Village 2352 $3,932 1259 $4,915
13 Jacks Valley 2455 $1,511 842 $1,843
14 Sun Valley 4424 $524 2163 $607
15 Washoe Valley 4672 $1,865 536 $2,312
16 Minden 9060 $1,680 3399 $2,066
17 Lyon County 13051 $691 5497 $877
18 North Valleys 13409 $719 4613 $869
19 Nevada County 30254 $2,013 11372 $2,536
20 Reno 42928 $1,054 46417 $1,254