
Outstanding Spring Valley, NV Homeowners Insurance Stats

Outstanding stats that is very useful to know in getting a damn good deal on your Spring Valley, NV homeowners insurance quote.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Spring Valley, NV & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Indian Springs 1 bedroom 84 $375
2 Blue Diamond 3 bedroom 93 $1,332
3 Sandy Valley 1 bedroom 102 $455
4 Nellis AFB 4 bedroom 157 $1,485
5 Searchlight 2 bedroom 163 $402
6 Mount Charleston 2 bedroom 202 $1,100
7 Boulder City 4 bedroom 1243 $1,527
8 Summerlin South 2 bedroom 2869 $1,102
9 Winchester 1 bedroom 4088 $607
10 Whitney 3 bedroom 7109 $783
11 Pahrump 3 bedroom 9596 $742
12 Enterprise 3 bedroom 21360 $1,035
13 Sunrise Manor 2 bedroom 23838 $607
14 Spring Valley 2 bedroom 27071 $763
15 Paradise 2 bedroom 31856 $756
16 North Las Vegas 3 bedroom 34450 $825
17 Clark 3 bedroom 35133 $1,402
18 Henderson 3 bedroom 45014 $1,106
19 Las Vegas 4 bedroom 129415 $1,300

Spring Valley, NV Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Mount Charleston 10 $1,991 142 $2,431
2 Indian Springs 14 $339 30 $414
3 Nellis AFB 236 $1,156 119 $1,412
4 Boulder City 919 $1,218 527 $1,487
5 Winchester 2197 $529 3866 $646
6 Pahrump 5759 $698 426 $853
7 Whitney 8897 $486 792 $594
8 Summerlin South 10032 $1,438 41 $1,755
9 Sunrise Manor 13007 $626 4118 $764
10 Paradise 24112 $717 8427 $876
11 Spring Valley 27330 $1,040 916 $1,270
12 Enterprise 40620 $1,184 590 $1,446
13 North Las Vegas 41721 $710 4076 $867
14 Henderson 41839 $849 1393 $1,037
15 Clark 57564 $1,209 1173 $1,476
16 Las Vegas 227438 $767 44049 $937

Spring Valley, NV home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Searchlight 88 $586 10 $398
2 Nellis AFB 719 $1,235 145 $839
3 Winchester 4,258 $735 7,043 $588
4 Boulder City 4,742 $1,034 289 $796
5 Pahrump 9,737 $663 230 $483
6 Whitney 9,835 $636 2,330 $502
7 Summerlin South 10,209 $1,922 776 $1,191
8 Sunrise Manor 37,021 $480 8,699 $326
9 Enterprise 38,508 $1,287 5,756 $888
10 Spring Valley 46,293 $901 13,823 $657
11 Paradise 49,816 $810 36,472 $648
12 North Las Vegas 59,791 $689 5,488 $523
13 Clark 66,409 $1,412 3,473 $931
14 Henderson 86,071 $1,291 9,100 $929
15 Las Vegas 465,743 $954 125,804 $705

Spring Valley, NV home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Nellis AFB 16 $1,213 780 $1,479
2 Mount Charleston 74 $2,700 42 $3,375
3 Searchlight 101 $795 92 $969
4 Indian Springs 181 $339 171 $427
5 Sandy Valley 570 $463 55 $532
6 Winchester 4036 $510 6829 $591
7 Boulder City 4726 $1,322 1652 $1,559
8 Summerlin South 6790 $1,737 3395 $1,997
9 Whitney 7980 $709 5624 $822
10 Pahrump 10988 $596 4126 $721
11 Enterprise 23453 $1,106 16197 $1,415
12 Sunrise Manor 32815 $656 28181 $826
13 Spring Valley 34502 $824 35196 $980
14 Paradise 37957 $962 50273 $1,231
15 North Las Vegas 39132 $673 26531 $847
16 Clark 47213 $1,210 18699 $1,476
17 Henderson 65292 $1,267 34501 $1,609
18 Las Vegas 345949 $707 294176 $912