
Excellent Fullerton, NE Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Fullerton, NE homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Fullerton, NE & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Loretto 1 bedroom 18 $202
2 Tarnov 3 bedroom 27 $358
3 Hordville 2 bedroom 30 $300
4 Lindsay 4 bedroom 30 $563
5 Kalamazoo 4 bedroom 31 $1,430
6 Platte Center 2 bedroom 34 $540
7 Palmer 4 bedroom 44 $783
8 Timber Creek 2 bedroom 49 $256
9 Ramshorn 3 bedroom 51 $605
10 Reading 4 bedroom 51 $1,106
11 Loup Ferry 3 bedroom 56 $472
12 Burrows 3 bedroom 63 $845
13 Wolbach 3 bedroom 96 $507
14 Doniphan 2 bedroom 117 $455
15 Alda 3 bedroom 200 $687
16 Fullerton 2 bedroom 204 $281
17 Central City 2 bedroom 445 $463
18 York 1 bedroom 514 $256
19 Aurora 2 bedroom 542 $585
20 Butler County 3 bedroom 1641 $652

Fullerton, NE Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Utica 12 $433 30 $553
2 Scotia 13 $237 25 $302
3 Tilden 15 $247 46 $316
4 Spalding 19 $311 31 $397
5 Mayfield 19 $543 32 $693
6 Alda 22 $333 16 $425
7 Precinct 24 $452 62 $577
8 Bismark 27 $948 19 $1,210
9 Greeley County 41 $238 101 $303
10 Battle Creek 42 $619 44 $790
11 St. Libory 47 $514 23 $656
12 Wood River 50 $405 45 $517
13 Fullerton 65 $206 104 $263
14 Doniphan 65 $519 24 $662
15 Washington 70 $808 106 $1,031
16 York 86 $375 369 $479
17 St. Paul 89 $410 83 $524
18 Merrick County 203 $403 362 $515
19 Butler County 282 $453 347 $578
20 Platte County 1054 $445 1831 $568

Fullerton, NE home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Stromsburg 285 $531 30 $414
2 Stromsburg 362 $433 12 $294
3 Osceola 403 $339 28 $271
4 Stromsburg 469 $319 42 $197
5 Fullerton 633 $282 43 $225
6 Albion 694 $408 36 $273
7 Madison 774 $380 17 $296
8 David City 955 $416 48 $249
9 Schuyler 1,478 $372 80 $293
10 Aurora 1,535 $590 88 $442
11 Nance County 1,572 $298 54 $232
12 Polk County 2,378 $523 76 $371
13 Howard County 2,563 $464 80 $278
14 York 2,628 $396 510 $293
15 Merrick County 3,106 $471 93 $282
16 Butler County 3,542 $425 48 $263
17 York County 4,887 $534 510 $357
18 Platte County 10,549 $470 842 $347
19 Grand Island 14,249 $524 2,049 $408
20 Hall County 17,787 $545 2,073 $327

Fullerton, NE home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Joliet 26 $236 25 $273
2 Loup Ferry 34 $276 22 $358
3 Brown 46 $668 21 $828
4 Marquette 60 $332 14 $385
5 Timber Creek 73 $149 29 $175
6 Morton 88 $376 39 $447
7 Warnerville 143 $550 23 $704
8 Lost Creek 167 $575 93 $661
9 Pleasant Home 206 $294 35 $355
10 Utica 213 $596 113 $739
11 St. Libory 237 $535 24 $625
12 Alexis 243 $571 48 $662
13 Stromsburg 246 $542 52 $655
14 Clarksville 268 $338 66 $405
15 Center 277 $835 78 $1,060
16 Genoa 316 $282 86 $327
17 Battle Creek 375 $600 66 $774
18 Fullerton 446 $223 197 $278
19 Boone County 1796 $324 519 $408
20 Madison County 9192 $521 4731 $651