
Handy Loup County, NE Homeowners Insurance Info

Critical information about Loup County, NE homeowners insurance which will come handy in getting the cheapest quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Loup County, NE & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Lillian 4 bedroom 11 $698
2 Michigan 5 or more bedrooms 11 $731
3 Westerville 4 bedroom 18 $828
4 Yale 3 bedroom 22 $663
5 Conley 3 bedroom 23 $525
6 Goose Creek 5 or more bedrooms 23 $650
7 Ryno 2 bedroom 25 $481
8 Sheridan 5 or more bedrooms 26 $1,106
9 Elyria 3 bedroom 28 $715
10 Mason City 4 bedroom 34 $715
11 Madison Square 2 bedroom 40 $318
12 Dunning 2 bedroom 40 $356
13 Algernon 2 bedroom 45 $268
14 Merna 2 bedroom 49 $312
15 Victoria 2 bedroom 54 $287
16 Taylor 3 bedroom 64 $437
17 Central Loup City 3 bedroom 92 $585
18 Rock County 4 bedroom 144 $540
19 Ord 4 bedroom 238 $975
20 Broken Bow 3 bedroom 536 $420

Loup County, NE Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989
1 Elyria 10 $611 13 $718
2 Valley County 14 $324 176 $380

Loup County, NE home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Burwell 609 $267 47 $178
2 Ainsworth 764 $285 29 $196
3 Garfield County 998 $469 47 $365
4 Ord 1,139 $363 100 $232
5 Broken Bow 1,439 $391 108 $250
6 Brown County 1,654 $224 29 $170
7 Valley County 2,020 $318 101 $244
8 Custer County 4,976 $364 126 $269

Loup County, NE home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Cliff 10 $441 19 $533
2 Westerville 31 $386 16 $497
3 Brewster 32 $126 21 $152
4 Myrtle 33 $425 24 $518
5 Elyria 45 $747 17 $941
6 Dunning 55 $183 47 $215
7 Madison Square 59 $273 23 $327
8 Taylor 61 $197 11 $232
9 Johnstown 96 $337 54 $434
10 Algernon 98 $393 34 $479
11 Central Loup City 100 $310 61 $356
12 Berwyn 106 $447 20 $563
13 Blaine County 135 $262 109 $327
14 Arcadia 153 $233 35 $300
15 Kilfoil 190 $397 69 $476
16 Arnold 289 $325 90 $390
17 Burwell 421 $255 127 $318
18 Ord 886 $388 273 $477
19 Brown County 1057 $330 423 $402
20 Broken Bow 1120 $405 400 $518