
Saluda, NC Homeowners Insurance Spectacular Stats

Spectacularly in depth stats on Saluda, NC homeowners insurance that will help keep your rates low.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Saluda, NC & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Lawndale 4 bedroom 19 $551
2 Ellenboro 4 bedroom 20 $861
3 Mooresboro 4 bedroom 44 $922
4 Casar 3 bedroom 50 $596
5 Glenville 3 bedroom 104 $1,485
6 Cliffside 2 bedroom 165 $701
7 Marshall 2 bedroom 235 $517
8 Pickens 4 bedroom 237 $1,304
9 Golden Valley 3 bedroom 265 $728
10 Saluda 2 bedroom 267 $1,260
11 Higgins 2 bedroom 317 $455
12 Bent Creek 3 bedroom 355 $1,402
13 Gramling 4 bedroom 367 $1,147
14 Forest City 1 bedroom 397 $376
15 Toe 2 bedroom 672 $507
16 Southern Shops 2 bedroom 880 $306
17 Central 3 bedroom 1889 $811
18 Rutherford County 2 bedroom 11791 $516
19 Cleveland County 2 bedroom 13816 $481
20 Buncombe County 3 bedroom 48385 $926

Saluda, NC Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Camp Creek 31 $385 25 $462
2 Lawndale 32 $369 44 $443
3 Henrietta 35 $535 26 $642
4 Fork 41 $589 140 $707
5 Biltmore Forest 84 $4,109 70 $4,927
6 Saluda 133 $1,510 22 $1,811
7 Cooper Gap 196 $929 83 $1,114
8 Boyd 253 $669 125 $802
9 Lake Junaluska 256 $1,366 51 $1,638
10 Ivy 288 $842 59 $1,009
11 Sulphur Springs 481 $557 73 $668
12 Forest City 511 $459 441 $550
13 Jonathan Creek 533 $777 10 $932
14 Woodruff 785 $374 217 $449
15 Boiling Springs 1020 $610 163 $731
16 Berea 1063 $522 290 $626
17 Wellford 1198 $473 436 $567
18 Polk County 1956 $897 597 $1,076
19 Asheville 5199 $805 2762 $965
20 Haywood County 5230 $839 2322 $1,006

Saluda, NC home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Mars Hill 502 $825 74 $569
2 Arcadia 504 $235 170 $176
3 Maggie Valley 1,009 $1,076 19 $688
4 Valley Falls 1,121 $490 790 $372
5 Crabtree 1,141 $587 33 $463
6 Ivy 1,205 $704 27 $478
7 Green River 2,004 $901 26 $612
8 Clyde 2,069 $691 15 $525
9 Sans Souci 2,517 $408 205 $297
10 Cashiers 2,760 $2,202 32 $1,343
11 Six Mile 3,228 $742 30 $549
12 Fountain Inn 3,273 $650 69 $422
13 Gantt 3,578 $387 387 $309
14 Fairmont Mills 4,037 $695 525 $430
15 Cool Spring 5,035 $445 249 $307
16 Morganton 7,861 $658 537 $407
17 Yancey County 7,978 $553 229 $392
18 McDowell County 13,255 $585 386 $421
19 Asheville 25,441 $977 6,314 $771
20 Haywood County 25,798 $693 322 $505

Saluda, NC home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Glenville 41 $1,352 31 $1,622
2 Campobello 153 $523 53 $617
3 Maggie Valley 416 $1,443 133 $1,746
4 Cane River 554 $635 157 $755
5 Duncan 586 $511 843 $643
6 Saluda 619 $1,288 70 $1,648
7 Broad River 626 $783 191 $1,010
8 Lower Fork 1045 $525 190 $635
9 Cullowhee 1053 $1,032 1662 $1,238
10 East Flat Rock 1325 $602 887 $764
11 Slater-Marietta 1414 $507 533 $583
12 Clyde 1872 $801 1091 $977
13 High Shoals 2157 $492 646 $600
14 Fountain Inn 3018 $662 1158 $774
15 Reidville 3532 $658 473 $822
16 Easley 3533 $768 389 $929
17 Inman 5520 $566 1586 $684
18 Transylvania County 10764 $987 3129 $1,283
19 Taylors 11240 $934 3298 $1,186
20 Greenville 63131 $868 40770 $1,119