
Incredible Boon Hill, NC Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Boon Hill, NC homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Boon Hill, NC & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Bonnetsville 4 bedroom 10 $1,350
2 Vann Crossroads 2 bedroom 31 $463
3 Bunn 4 bedroom 68 $687
4 4 bedroom 73 $787
5 Teachey 2 bedroom 73 $446
6 Maury 2 bedroom 75 $393
7 Bentonville 4 bedroom 87 $843
8 Fountain 4 bedroom 107 $918
9 Moseley Hall 4 bedroom 208 $577
10 Beulaville 2 bedroom 273 $517
11 McDaniels 3 bedroom 370 $673
12 O'Neals 4 bedroom 458 $958
13 Boon Hill 2 bedroom 888 $528
14 Oak Level 2 bedroom 895 $517
15 Smithfield 4 bedroom 908 $993
16 Banner 2 bedroom 1064 $367
17 Ayden 3 bedroom 1975 $550
18 Barbecue 3 bedroom 3536 $993
19 White Oak 2 bedroom 3998 $900
20 Swift Creek 3 bedroom 7309 $1,100

Boon Hill, NC Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Dover 16 $266 43 $325
2 Potters Hill 16 $385 21 $470
3 Westbrook 58 $472 26 $576
4 McDaniels 70 $402 84 $491
5 Woodington 79 $458 122 $560
6 Shine 152 $429 61 $524
7 Dismal 174 $469 197 $573
8 Hookerton 175 $346 132 $423
9 Mar-Mac 182 $400 259 $489
10 Buckhorn 261 $1,419 40 $1,733
11 Red Oak 342 $836 128 $1,021
12 Boon Hill 464 $551 370 $672
13 New Light 941 $1,492 38 $1,822
14 Meredith 1562 $1,458 711 $1,781
15 Marks Creek 2214 $597 526 $729
16 Manchester 2386 $446 1382 $544
17 Carvers Creek 2512 $698 761 $853
18 Cleveland 3104 $723 57 $882
19 Garner 3195 $685 1257 $836
20 Apex 5450 $1,216 137 $1,485

Boon Hill, NC home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Lillington 1,174 $546 54 $409
2 Kenansville 1,221 $416 45 $249
3 Clinton 1,603 $459 44 $330
4 Little Coharie 1,705 $491 21 $309
5 Neills Creek 1,831 $647 88 $433
6 Boon Hill 2,153 $665 16 $478
7 Louisburg 2,624 $437 136 $288
8 Clinton 2,916 $696 225 $473
9 Selma 3,167 $545 298 $430
10 Island Creek 3,439 $537 116 $343
11 Stoney Creek 4,877 $895 349 $572
12 Brogden 5,301 $465 160 $311
13 Cedar Fork 10,323 $1,595 5,717 $1,132
14 Winterville 12,903 $868 2,913 $572
15 Greenville 16,184 $754 10,090 $482
16 House Creek 16,974 $1,384 8,139 $968
17 Rocky Mount 18,058 $497 879 $372
18 Nash County 28,053 $615 955 $393
19 Cary 38,971 $1,421 9,107 $1,037
20 Johnston County 51,004 $844 1,415 $616

Boon Hill, NC home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Bonnetsville 76 $707 49 $883
2 Sims 87 $803 28 $1,035
3 Ingold 97 $421 54 $509
4 Dortches 251 $925 102 $1,063
5 Wolfscrape 660 $431 453 $551
6 Albertson 778 $355 330 $440
7 Meadow 825 $434 328 $507
8 Springhill 877 $399 304 $510
9 Nahunta 956 $393 578 $459
10 Elroy 1098 $531 635 $637
11 Pine Level 1215 $579 655 $694
12 Black Creek 1267 $498 331 $587
13 Grifton 1326 $543 552 $657
14 Neills Creek 1454 $805 754 $949
15 Boon Hill 1791 $465 905 $590
16 O'Neals 2471 $486 659 $617
17 Harris 2538 $849 443 $1,044
18 Grove 2747 $513 1304 $646
19 Cleveland 5757 $851 831 $1,038
20 Pitt County 36056 $802 29424 $962