
Marvelous Currituck County, NC Homeowners Insurance Facts

Marvelous facts to give you ideas to save on your Currituck County, NC homeowners insurance quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Currituck County, NC & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Mintonsville 4 bedroom 77 $975
2 Harrellsville 2 bedroom 105 $358
3 Haslett 4 bedroom 106 $990
4 Winfall 3 bedroom 133 $845
5 Hertford 4 bedroom 162 $900
6 Gum Neck 3 bedroom 176 $742
7 Scuppernong 4 bedroom 206 $787
8 Courthouse 2 bedroom 286 $843
9 Belvidere 3 bedroom 368 $967
10 Southern Shores 5 or more bedrooms 376 $3,570
11 Gatesville 3 bedroom 442 $768
12 Parkville 3 bedroom 545 $942
13 Fruitville 3 bedroom 645 $806
14 Moyock 4 bedroom 646 $1,625
15 Kill Devil Hills 4 bedroom 1216 $2,655
16 Mount Hermon 3 bedroom 1617 $1,215
17 Currituck County 5 or more bedrooms 2776 $2,385
18 Portsmouth 4 bedroom 5293 $1,192
19 Norfolk 2 bedroom 30011 $877
20 Chesapeake 3 bedroom 34051 $1,347

Currituck County, NC Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Atlantic 10 $1,204 638 $1,627
2 Wanchese 11 $691 118 $934
3 Newland 12 $703 56 $950
4 Nixonton 16 $888 270 $1,200
5 Nags Head 20 $1,106 436 $1,494
6 Currituck County 23 $1,138 635 $1,537
7 Crawford 23 $975 198 $1,317
8 Perquimans County 36 $770 758 $1,040
9 Portsmouth 38 $831 7779 $1,123
10 Mount Hermon 40 $784 72 $1,059
11 Elizabeth City 43 $613 964 $829
12 Pasquotank County 79 $677 1501 $914
13 Suffolk 175 $1,169 2853 $1,580
14 Chesapeake 315 $1,143 7152 $1,545
15 Norfolk 348 $933 19320 $1,261
16 Virginia Beach 386 $1,118 11596 $1,510

Currituck County, NC home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Camden 191 $855 18 $547
2 Manteo 687 $2,212 300 $1,459
3 Duck 2,179 $2,723 255 $1,960
4 Moyock 2,244 $1,245 14 $859
5 Mount Hermon 2,310 $804 73 $594
6 Kitty Hawk 2,461 $1,551 26 $930
7 Nixonton 2,679 $866 40 $606
8 Camden County 3,671 $1,250 43 $950
9 Perquimans County 4,761 $680 51 $442
10 Chowan County 5,091 $652 103 $508
11 Elizabeth City 5,430 $613 507 $410
12 Poplar Branch 6,469 $863 80 $552
13 Nags Head 7,294 $1,529 450 $947
14 Currituck County 11,902 $1,033 94 $743
15 Pasquotank County 11,999 $933 537 $625
16 Atlantic 15,259 $1,704 537 $1,158
17 Portsmouth 28,889 $899 3,704 $692
18 Norfolk 54,343 $1,113 16,181 $845
19 Chesapeake 67,295 $1,579 5,778 $963
20 Virginia Beach 135,510 $1,527 16,891 $1,053

Currituck County, NC home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Creswell 84 $523 50 $638
2 Winfall 221 $747 68 $911
3 Manns Harbor 278 $1,127 134 $1,363
4 Harrellsville 335 $429 153 $553
5 Manteo 365 $2,396 451 $3,018
6 Hunters Mill 444 $525 64 $645
7 Scuppernong 508 $430 186 $498
8 Haslett 568 $727 163 $901
9 Hertford 746 $788 340 $977
10 Parkville 786 $501 160 $596
11 South Mills 1170 $1,349 95 $1,578
12 Moyock 2072 $1,118 349 $1,341
13 Camden County 3070 $1,183 495 $1,514
14 Nags Head 3352 $1,441 1370 $1,844
15 Chowan County 3903 $612 1964 $771
16 Atlantic 5865 $1,376 2206 $1,788
17 Currituck County 7363 $1,125 1808 $1,293
18 Suffolk 22789 $1,070 7713 $1,316
19 Chesapeake 57875 $1,204 21505 $1,456
20 Virginia Beach 106510 $1,499 57716 $1,843