
Norlina, NC Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Norlina, NC homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Norlina, NC & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Keysville 1 bedroom 84 $573
2 Smith Creek 4 bedroom 164 $780
3 Powellton 4 bedroom 172 $845
4 Stem 3 bedroom 189 $861
5 Norlina 2 bedroom 226 $358
6 Brinkleyville 4 bedroom 268 $942
7 Enfield 4 bedroom 297 $797
8 Dry Wells 2 bedroom 450 $428
9 Red Oak 3 bedroom 793 $843
10 Wendell 2 bedroom 809 $641
11 Brassfield 4 bedroom 1015 $1,147
12 Bailey 3 bedroom 1079 $618
13 Nashville 2 bedroom 1106 $358
14 Nottoway County 2 bedroom 1787 $646
15 Stony Creek 4 bedroom 1845 $1,102
16 Mecklenburg County 4 bedroom 1927 $956
17 Wake Forest 2 bedroom 3514 $701
18 Halifax County 2 bedroom 6561 $525
19 Neuse 2 bedroom 8859 $937
20 Raleigh 2 bedroom 52157 $893

Norlina, NC Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Rolesville 10 $1,241 14 $1,749
2 Red Oak 12 $855 13 $1,205
3 Sandy Creek 13 $310 20 $437
4 Enfield 13 $267 231 $377
5 Taylors 14 $744 15 $1,049
6 Hawtree 17 $485 40 $684
7 Ferrells 20 $346 104 $488
8 Zebulon 22 $566 101 $797
9 Bailey 26 $330 101 $466
10 Brassfield 33 $610 92 $860
11 Warren County 43 $442 631 $624
12 Sturgeon 45 $456 114 $643
13 Creedmoor 50 $730 97 $1,029
14 Franklin County 65 $543 695 $766
15 Granville County 88 $690 1021 $973
16 Neuse 125 $959 98 $1,352
17 Wake Forest 170 $1,020 193 $1,438
18 Nash County 191 $484 1750 $683
19 St. Matthews 235 $614 136 $866
20 Durham County 714 $890 4792 $1,255

Norlina, NC home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Drakes Branch 187 $632 58 $461
2 Sharpsburg 481 $469 19 $351
3 Faucett 639 $441 33 $317
4 Clarksville 656 $638 24 $414
5 Whitakers 703 $497 40 $323
6 Chase City 943 $342 54 $205
7 Warrenton 1,461 $349 116 $251
8 Emporia 1,998 $391 234 $254
9 Littleton 2,021 $701 16 $434
10 Louisburg 2,624 $472 136 $306
11 Oxford 2,702 $719 320 $481
12 South Boston 2,740 $496 279 $342
13 Knightdale 3,288 $769 563 $484
14 Roxboro 4,989 $575 192 $408
15 Lebanon 7,236 $910 13 $564
16 Marks Creek 7,624 $801 268 $592
17 Northampton County 8,454 $350 74 $262
18 Mecklenburg County 13,177 $582 339 $355
19 Wake Forest 20,300 $1,101 2,108 $825
20 Raleigh 105,776 $852 39,574 $630

Norlina, NC home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Boydton 115 $565 37 $717
2 Drakes Branch 131 $526 84 $620
3 Norlina 188 $481 199 $553
4 Spring Hope 235 $552 265 $684
5 Gorman 237 $457 70 $530
6 Walnut Grove 581 $663 97 $769
7 Rehoboth 591 $581 99 $685
8 Faucett 625 $431 204 $551
9 Rosemary 715 $403 541 $495
10 Wiccacanee 720 $370 120 $462
11 Ferrells 778 $556 370 $706
12 Bailey 1138 $378 556 $480
13 Mount Tirzah 1208 $629 122 $729
14 Warrenton 1342 $382 702 $496
15 Gaston 1673 $314 648 $364
16 Taylors 2190 $669 1325 $782
17 Nottoway County 3741 $657 1763 $814
18 Marks Creek 6458 $646 2245 $813
19 Halifax County 13522 $498 8040 $642
20 St. Matthews 18042 $671 6456 $845