
Handy Pensacola, NC Homeowners Insurance Info

Critical information about Pensacola, NC homeowners insurance which will come handy in getting the cheapest quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Pensacola, NC & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Parrottsville 4 bedroom 23 $562
2 Cranberry 4 bedroom 84 $958
3 Montezuma 3 bedroom 111 $1,260
4 Foscoe 4 bedroom 135 $1,100
5 Cooper Gap 4 bedroom 194 $993
6 Valley Hill 4 bedroom 204 $1,495
7 Green Creek 4 bedroom 225 $1,127
8 Pensacola 2 bedroom 236 $675
9 Jacks Creek 2 bedroom 279 $540
10 Shawneehaw 3 bedroom 317 $1,375
11 Bluff City 3 bedroom 326 $663
12 Forest City 1 bedroom 397 $350
13 Bandy's 2 bedroom 421 $472
14 Toe 2 bedroom 672 $675
15 New River 4 bedroom 802 $1,987
16 Beech Mountain 3 bedroom 823 $1,875
17 Jonesborough 2 bedroom 954 $646
18 Laurel Creek 3 bedroom 1280 $605
19 Tigerville 3 bedroom 1634 $975
20 Hendersonville 2 bedroom 8334 $731

Pensacola, NC Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Limestone 10 $1,030 114 $1,452
2 Etowah 11 $765 77 $1,078
3 Hudson 12 $589 206 $831
4 Bluff City 12 $372 72 $525
5 Glenwood 16 $672 14 $947
6 North Cove 17 $413 25 $583
7 Upper Hominy 23 $529 641 $745
8 Hoopers Creek 25 $670 173 $944
9 Granite Falls 25 $446 170 $629
10 Yancey County 38 $571 529 $806
11 Dana 41 $650 17 $917
12 Leicester 43 $798 300 $1,125
13 Cocke County 44 $406 791 $573
14 Haywood County 92 $619 2322 $873
15 Caldwell County 113 $383 2564 $541
16 Greene County 141 $382 1884 $538
17 Henderson County 214 $722 1783 $1,018
18 Asheville 217 $985 2762 $1,389
19 Sullivan County 314 $534 6023 $753
20 Buncombe County 428 $785 6332 $1,107

Pensacola, NC home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Fruitland 405 $406 11 $308
2 Broad River 750 $949 57 $730
3 Cajah's Mountain 861 $569 31 $449
4 Mosheim 864 $601 40 $462
5 Montford Cove 897 $471 19 $343
6 Gamewell 1,222 $698 18 $481
7 Pigeon 1,692 $698 11 $460
8 Green River 2,004 $1,120 26 $728
9 Boone 2,118 $1,148 2,941 $746
10 Columbus 2,616 $750 520 $450
11 Avery Creek 2,691 $1,165 165 $792
12 Upper Hominy 4,769 $679 49 $414
13 Icard 4,863 $372 17 $238
14 Black Mountain 4,917 $783 225 $540
15 Lovelady 5,263 $530 191 $349
16 Morganton 7,861 $622 537 $478
17 Rutherford County 24,165 $478 382 $334
18 Washington County 38,435 $626 4,275 $413
19 Henderson County 39,869 $957 1,505 $631
20 Buncombe County 74,503 $804 8,183 $546

Pensacola, NC home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Sugar Mountain 163 $1,131 113 $1,311
2 Jonas Ridge 191 $558 38 $686
3 Pensacola 228 $984 64 $1,200
4 Shawneehaw 321 $1,722 92 $2,066
5 Telford 335 $413 29 $491
6 Yadkin Valley 432 $552 136 $717
7 Johns River 469 $421 139 $526
8 Bakersville 496 $511 208 $592
9 Brushy Fork 806 $1,115 1472 $1,449
10 Gamewell 1147 $605 558 $786
11 Granite Falls 1224 $624 580 $730
12 Logan Store 1434 $691 268 $849
13 Jonesborough 1438 $663 697 $848
14 Crab Creek 1609 $1,307 317 $1,699
15 Drexel 1832 $503 805 $603
16 Dunns Rock 1949 $1,204 90 $1,529
17 Blue Ridge 2933 $537 965 $671
18 Upper Hominy 5139 $800 1993 $1,024
19 Leicester 5849 $884 2034 $1,122
20 Hendersonville 15565 $808 5574 $1,010