
McAdenville, NC Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about McAdenville, NC homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for McAdenville, NC & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Ellenboro 4 bedroom 20 $646
2 McAdenville 4 bedroom 27 $1,170
3 Gayle Mill 1 bedroom 34 $350
4 Rutherford College 2 bedroom 145 $605
5 Big Lick 4 bedroom 169 $1,282
6 Millingport 3 bedroom 216 $540
7 Mount Pleasant 3 bedroom 365 $861
8 Tega Cay 5 or more bedrooms 372 $2,160
9 Mount Ulla 3 bedroom 544 $862
10 Lowell 2 bedroom 638 $630
11 Pacolet 2 bedroom 658 $472
12 Statesville 4 bedroom 1025 $1,031
13 Buford 2 bedroom 1030 $783
14 Goose Creek 4 bedroom 1187 $1,560
15 High Shoals 3 bedroom 1844 $605
16 Union County 2 bedroom 4353 $463
17 Newton 2 bedroom 4366 $411
18 Sandy Ridge 4 bedroom 6081 $2,250
19 Lincoln County 3 bedroom 17639 $698
20 York County 3 bedroom 45760 $796

McAdenville, NC Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Casar 14 $340 28 $408
2 Faith 40 $821 38 $984
3 Lake Park 61 $815 17 $977
4 Mount Ulla 71 $890 15 $1,067
5 Gaffney 97 $248 130 $297
6 Lockhart 105 $397 60 $477
7 Belwood 116 $505 21 $606
8 Golden Valley 190 $489 13 $586
9 Stallings 240 $867 133 $1,039
10 Pacolet 278 $355 250 $426
11 Conover 330 $615 299 $737
12 Chesnee 412 $378 138 $454
13 North Catawba 467 $528 212 $633
14 Mountain View 493 $718 20 $861
15 Forest City 511 $537 441 $644
16 Marshville 529 $743 85 $891
17 Mountain Creek 829 $1,298 63 $1,556
18 Gaffney 2079 $385 747 $462
19 Monroe 3487 $882 677 $1,057
20 Catawba County 11545 $732 3998 $878

McAdenville, NC home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Misenheimer 86 $537 15 $429
2 Hildebran 636 $496 17 $337
3 Newport 1,380 $733 16 $454
4 Macedonia 1,651 $354 21 $237
5 Catawba 2,492 $547 20 $366
6 Taylorsville 2,854 $547 47 $410
7 Hudson 3,685 $585 45 $409
8 Harrisburg 3,870 $1,265 136 $885
9 Mount Holly 4,742 $858 203 $609
10 Cherryville 5,484 $539 33 $323
11 Chester 5,537 $348 144 $247
12 Van Wyck 7,062 $1,171 21 $843
13 Clines 7,434 $537 158 $408
14 Mint Hill 7,791 $958 735 $747
15 Alexander County 10,583 $720 106 $432
16 South Point 14,366 $882 728 $626
17 Burke County 26,989 $620 722 $458
18 Rowan County 42,617 $722 2,169 $498
19 Charlotte 207,847 $917 67,054 $550
20 Mecklenburg County 268,693 $856 76,398 $582

McAdenville, NC home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Polkville 127 $435 51 $504
2 McAdenville 194 $945 54 $1,228
3 Duncans Creek 217 $641 34 $769
4 Rutherford College 389 $781 88 $968
5 Olin 489 $1,174 211 $1,350
6 Gaffney 593 $306 677 $385
7 Boiling Springs 848 $644 343 $798
8 Chester 1042 $488 121 $580
9 Valdese 1345 $564 533 $721
10 Wesley Chapel 2176 $1,530 115 $1,820
11 Waxhaw 2797 $1,253 368 $1,466
12 Belmont 2884 $683 1125 $792
13 Providence 2974 $665 712 $764
14 Furr 3183 $773 703 $935
15 Silver Creek 3238 $406 955 $470
16 Mint Hill 6873 $1,198 1607 $1,437
17 Gaffney 8128 $401 4948 $477
18 Chester County 9519 $396 2953 $483
19 Clover 9636 $774 2386 $936
20 Lancaster County 21625 $642 7324 $776