Lewistown, MT Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats
You have to know this valuable statistics about Lewistown, MT homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.
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Home Insurance by bedrooms for Lewistown, MT & close by areas
Rank |
Place |
Typical Number of Bedrooms |
Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms |
Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms |
1 |
Shawmut |
3 bedroom |
13 |
$881 |
2 |
Camp Three |
3 bedroom |
13 |
$455 |
3 |
Ryegate |
4 bedroom |
23 |
$787 |
4 |
Lavina |
4 bedroom |
26 |
$682 |
5 |
Moore |
2 bedroom |
27 |
$262 |
6 |
Judith Gap |
4 bedroom |
27 |
$893 |
7 |
Lewistown Heights |
5 or more bedrooms |
57 |
$1,300 |
8 |
Denton |
4 bedroom |
63 |
$742 |
9 |
Shawmut |
4 bedroom |
80 |
$825 |
10 |
Grass Range |
3 bedroom |
101 |
$687 |
11 |
Hobson |
1 bedroom |
103 |
$376 |
12 |
Harlowton |
1 bedroom |
151 |
$256 |
13 |
Stanford |
3 bedroom |
178 |
$577 |
14 |
Hanover |
3 bedroom |
185 |
$607 |
15 |
Golden Valley County |
2 bedroom |
194 |
$402 |
16 |
Judith Basin County |
1 bedroom |
197 |
$350 |
17 |
Roundup |
3 bedroom |
503 |
$641 |
18 |
Wheatland County |
3 bedroom |
518 |
$481 |
19 |
Lewistown |
4 bedroom |
645 |
$910 |
20 |
Fergus County |
2 bedroom |
1567 |
$376 |
Lewistown, MT Homeowners insurance by construction year
Rank |
Place |
Number of homes Built 2010 or later |
Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later |
Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 |
Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969 |
Lewistown, MT home insurance by property type
Rank |
Place |
Number of Single Family Homes |
Insurance for single family Homes |
Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums |
Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums |
1 |
Stanford |
424 |
$430 |
20 |
$288 |
2 |
Roundup |
1,060 |
$428 |
47 |
$282 |
3 |
Judith Basin County |
1,085 |
$570 |
20 |
$381 |
4 |
Lewistown |
3,362 |
$643 |
249 |
$398 |
5 |
Fergus County |
4,463 |
$581 |
249 |
$389 |
Lewistown, MT home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied
Rank |
Place |
Owner Occupied Homes |
Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes |
Number of Renter Occupied Homes |
Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes |
1 |
Camp Three |
27 |
$172 |
69 |
$215 |
2 |
Moore |
54 |
$200 |
31 |
$248 |
3 |
Ryegate |
130 |
$520 |
25 |
$650 |
4 |
Lavina |
137 |
$455 |
32 |
$555 |
5 |
Grass Range |
142 |
$507 |
41 |
$633 |
6 |
Shawmut |
160 |
$484 |
14 |
$609 |
7 |
Denton |
171 |
$329 |
79 |
$401 |
8 |
Hanover |
236 |
$641 |
43 |
$820 |
9 |
Golden Valley County |
267 |
$417 |
57 |
$521 |
10 |
Hobson |
273 |
$644 |
74 |
$830 |
11 |
Stanford |
301 |
$309 |
61 |
$355 |
12 |
Harlowton |
479 |
$344 |
142 |
$399 |
13 |
Wheatland County |
639 |
$496 |
156 |
$639 |
14 |
Judith Basin County |
698 |
$551 |
172 |
$655 |
15 |
Roundup |
732 |
$568 |
362 |
$675 |
16 |
Lewistown |
2966 |
$691 |
1021 |
$891 |
17 |
Fergus County |
3677 |
$569 |
1243 |
$660 |