
Wonderful Evergreen, MT Homeowners Insurance Facts

These wonderful Evergreen, MT homeowners insurance facts will get you cheap quotes and save you a great deal of money

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Evergreen, MT & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Fortine 4 bedroom 35 $1,350
2 West Glacier 1 bedroom 38 $585
3 Rollins 1 bedroom 46 $877
4 Jette 3 bedroom 55 $1,402
5 Little Bitterroot Lake 2 bedroom 67 $828
6 Rocky Point 3 bedroom 78 $2,925
7 Lindisfarne 3 bedroom 88 $3,000
8 Kila 3 bedroom 95 $956
9 Ronan 1 bedroom 100 $525
10 Kings Point 3 bedroom 144 $1,560
11 Hungry Horse 3 bedroom 156 $641
12 Somers 3 bedroom 215 $768
13 Kalispell 1 bedroom 245 $715
14 Rollins 1 bedroom 431 $770
15 Evergreen 4 bedroom 448 $1,182
16 Kalispell 2 bedroom 525 $877
17 Somers 2 bedroom 574 $750
18 Bigfork 4 bedroom 712 $1,950
19 Lakeside 3 bedroom 777 $1,625
20 Flathead Reservation 4 bedroom 2185 $1,332

Evergreen, MT Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Bigfork 16 $1,010 837 $1,247
2 Libby 56 $587 1217 $724
3 Kalispell 63 $793 2961 $979
4 Flathead County 89 $1,027 8412 $1,268
5 Polson 95 $719 337 $887
6 Flathead Reservation 122 $780 2884 $963
7 Lake County 122 $1,016 3537 $1,254

Evergreen, MT home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Hungry Horse 455 $345 14 $265
2 Ronan 569 $505 52 $404
3 Lakeside 1,463 $1,287 38 $875
4 Polson 1,514 $1,010 334 $767
5 South Fork 1,519 $813 14 $487
6 Kalispell 1,664 $1,223 43 $953
7 Evergreen 1,935 $780 47 $530
8 Bigfork 2,260 $1,742 200 $1,358
9 Somers 2,583 $1,305 38 $926
10 Columbia Falls 3,179 $1,049 34 $839
11 Libby 3,930 $813 89 $585
12 Bigfork 4,187 $1,419 200 $893
13 Whitefish 5,788 $1,320 625 $831
14 Flathead Reservation 10,666 $1,136 390 $749
15 Kalispell 12,240 $1,237 1,245 $878
16 Lake County 13,079 $994 390 $745
17 Flathead County 34,921 $1,318 2,202 $790

Evergreen, MT home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dayton 21 $3,511 15 $4,283
2 Happys Inn 26 $2,242 15 $2,824
3 Rollins 49 $2,335 45 $2,825
4 Jette 54 $1,549 24 $1,843
5 Martin City 67 $1,253 62 $1,440
6 Batavia 76 $1,059 18 $1,355
7 Little Bitterroot Lake 93 $1,171 26 $1,487
8 Forest Hill Village 109 $1,492 17 $1,775
9 Fortine 148 $691 53 $877
10 Hot Springs 222 $335 172 $408
11 Woods Bay 227 $1,293 35 $1,512
12 Hungry Horse 256 $376 148 $466
13 Finley Point 308 $2,726 28 $3,243
14 Somers 325 $1,287 103 $1,570
15 Kalispell 1522 $1,248 272 $1,460
16 Somers 1655 $1,219 437 $1,414
17 Columbia Heights 1915 $1,254 339 $1,630
18 Evergreen 2120 $699 612 $824
19 Bigfork 3031 $1,744 651 $2,145
20 Flathead Reservation 7009 $852 3508 $996