
Spectacular Kemper County, MS Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Kemper County, MS homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Kemper County, MS & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Union 4 bedroom 16 $1,620
2 McMullen 3 bedroom 22 $931
3 Geiger 3 bedroom 31 $1,710
4 Nellieburg 1 bedroom 40 $1,198
5 Lake 2 bedroom 43 $925
6 Stonewall 4 bedroom 71 $2,172
7 Enterprise 2 bedroom 73 $1,382
8 Standing Pine 3 bedroom 99 $1,522
9 Meridian Station 3 bedroom 107 $1,006
10 Cuba 4 bedroom 114 $1,952
11 Geiger 2 bedroom 148 $875
12 Tishabee 4 bedroom 183 $2,447
13 Lisman 4 bedroom 211 $1,890
14 Carrollton 2 bedroom 543 $1,548
15 Collinsville 3 bedroom 559 $1,705
16 Eutaw 3 bedroom 1167 $1,181
17 Greene County 2 bedroom 1207 $1,338
18 Clarke County 2 bedroom 1896 $1,426
19 Pickens County 2 bedroom 2320 $1,540
20 Kemper County 3 bedroom 2600 $1,676

Kemper County, MS Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Hickory 14 $659 34 $769
2 Forkland 18 $1,070 82 $1,248
3 Chunky 20 $883 15 $1,029
4 Pickensville 21 $1,134 40 $1,322
5 Artesia 25 $878 36 $1,024
6 Meridian Station 30 $-10 107 $-12
7 Belmont 37 $1,067 61 $1,244
8 Gainesville 60 $1,822 12 $2,124
9 Newton 64 $799 326 $931
10 Decatur 70 $1,004 89 $1,171
11 West Greene 114 $1,068 251 $1,245
12 Tishabee 135 $717 359 $836
13 Pearl River 160 $747 174 $871
14 York 184 $917 486 $1,069
15 Collinsville 193 $1,893 163 $2,207
16 Philadelphia 315 $1,306 676 $1,523
17 Greene County 415 $1,138 1051 $1,327
18 Kemper County 526 $1,073 1095 $1,251
19 Pickens County 961 $1,216 1692 $1,417
20 Neshoba County 1561 $1,086 2216 $1,266

Kemper County, MS home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Boligee 207 $1,135 57 $726
2 Geiger 215 $964 27 $588
3 Decatur 496 $1,102 11 $683
4 Ackerman 662 $1,213 21 $909
5 Union 665 $1,024 41 $788
6 Macon 847 $1,069 50 $694
7 Carrollton 1,005 $818 28 $588
8 Lisman 1,075 $954 27 $744
9 Eutaw 1,250 $1,370 182 $863
10 York 1,583 $1,084 56 $856
11 Philadelphia 2,677 $968 84 $609
12 Greene County 2,846 $1,142 239 $833
13 Demopolis 3,099 $1,909 222 $1,393
14 Noxubee County 3,177 $827 54 $595
15 Kemper County 3,342 $790 25 $505
16 Sumter County 3,730 $1,328 457 $942
17 Winston County 6,618 $1,384 59 $844
18 Newton County 6,709 $1,067 80 $778
19 Meridian 12,898 $1,130 1,013 $745
20 Lauderdale County 23,365 $1,126 1,166 $675

Kemper County, MS home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Walnut Grove 85 $862 108 $1,017
2 Lake 90 $736 35 $875
3 Boligee 119 $963 151 $1,203
4 Union 121 $970 12 $1,144
5 Bogue Chitto 133 $741 101 $918
6 Scooba 140 $803 123 $947
7 Toomsuba 238 $1,401 91 $1,611
8 De Kalb 342 $976 118 $1,171
9 Stonewall 373 $632 166 $815
10 Union 428 $1,288 305 $1,532
11 Collinsville 625 $1,800 139 $2,286
12 Tishabee 639 $762 200 $899
13 Macon 663 $968 425 $1,210
14 Livingston 1118 $1,136 812 $1,351
15 Louisville 1653 $1,454 1024 $1,788
16 Greene County 2291 $1,181 966 $1,523
17 Kemper County 2949 $889 837 $1,057
18 Clarke County 5300 $831 1146 $1,063
19 Meridian 8460 $1,341 7499 $1,676
20 Lauderdale County 19908 $1,553 9807 $1,941