
Remarkable Columbia, MS Homeowners Insurance Metrics

These remarkable metrics about Columbia, MS homeowners insurance will make you smarter about getting a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Columbia, MS & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Bassfield 4 bedroom 15 $2,076
2 New Augusta 4 bedroom 22 $2,876
3 Arnold Line 2 bedroom 94 $2,323
4 New Hebron 3 bedroom 147 $1,163
5 Sumrall 2 bedroom 148 $2,158
6 Mount Olive 2 bedroom 178 $1,321
7 Collins 2 bedroom 184 $1,312
8 Kentwood 2 bedroom 199 $1,058
9 Lumberton 3 bedroom 433 $1,687
10 Ellisville 2 bedroom 560 $1,408
11 Brookhaven 4 bedroom 576 $2,713
12 Petal 4 bedroom 576 $2,970
13 Poplarville 3 bedroom 652 $2,365
14 Jefferson Davis County 2 bedroom 1062 $1,128
15 Simpson County 4 bedroom 1408 $2,843
16 Columbia 3 bedroom 1651 $1,842
17 Bogalusa 3 bedroom 2592 $1,833
18 Pearl River County 4 bedroom 3289 $2,722
19 Lamar County 2 bedroom 4707 $1,833
20 Washington 3 bedroom 11144 $1,372

Columbia, MS Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Foxworth 24 $389 10 $496
2 Tylertown 31 $960 145 $1,225
3 Prentiss 38 $1,206 74 $1,539
4 Monticello 41 $1,284 32 $1,638
5 New Augusta 47 $1,124 26 $1,434
6 Folsom 80 $2,421 20 $3,090
7 Glendale 90 $1,291 20 $1,648
8 Collins 92 $1,493 37 $1,905
9 Summit 92 $1,184 95 $1,511
10 Purvis 103 $1,133 90 $1,446
11 Columbia 271 $1,149 408 $1,466
12 Bogalusa 324 $1,045 1201 $1,334
13 Brookhaven 634 $1,195 554 $1,525
14 Lawrence County 710 $1,188 260 $1,516
15 Covington County 1000 $845 433 $1,078
16 Walthall County 1037 $864 581 $1,103
17 Simpson County 1519 $1,058 936 $1,351
18 Pike County 2545 $944 1761 $1,205
19 Washington 3397 $949 2464 $1,211
20 Jones County 3757 $1,350 3104 $1,723

Columbia, MS home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Monticello 556 $1,184 22 $805
2 Kentwood 587 $966 11 $647
3 Magnolia 669 $894 10 $616
4 Mendenhall 708 $1,521 81 $958
5 Collins 811 $1,158 21 $717
6 Ellisville 985 $1,076 15 $774
7 Magee 1,106 $1,061 62 $647
8 Franklinton 1,131 $1,341 114 $858
9 Hattiesburg 1,489 $2,219 221 $1,753
10 Columbia 2,310 $1,348 117 $997
11 Perry County 3,664 $1,443 10 $1,067
12 Bogalusa 4,442 $1,185 126 $900
13 Covington County 5,968 $949 33 $673
14 Lincoln County 9,878 $1,337 219 $828
15 Hattiesburg 11,206 $1,907 4,332 $1,220
16 Pike County 11,789 $1,077 205 $796
17 Washington 15,100 $1,156 279 $820
18 Lamar County 15,844 $1,962 2,111 $1,314
19 Jones County 19,950 $1,441 239 $965
20 Forrest County 20,679 $1,607 2,996 $1,221

Columbia, MS home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Silver Creek 49 $593 19 $705
2 Beauregard 100 $1,135 19 $1,475
3 Osyka 105 $1,614 39 $1,904
4 Mize 113 $1,577 25 $1,813
5 New Augusta 154 $1,055 98 $1,223
6 Folsom 188 $2,030 79 $2,395
7 Prentiss 303 $1,173 161 $1,372
8 Arnold Line 446 $2,272 225 $2,612
9 Magnolia 523 $774 261 $897
10 Kentwood 532 $720 251 $928
11 Taylorsville 553 $1,209 155 $1,535
12 Magee 851 $1,160 681 $1,450
13 Columbia 1578 $1,044 854 $1,336
14 Bogalusa 2550 $989 1817 $1,147
15 Lawrence County 3866 $1,383 959 $1,714
16 Perry County 3994 $1,307 635 $1,607
17 Hattiesburg 6743 $1,860 11471 $2,194
18 Lincoln County 10120 $1,033 3064 $1,291
19 Washington 12765 $1,139 4655 $1,366
20 Lamar County 14388 $2,606 7085 $3,101