
Laurel, MS Homeowners Insurance Valuable Facts

These valuable facts will help you get the cheapest quote on your Laurel, MS homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Laurel, MS & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 New Augusta 4 bedroom 22 $2,600
2 Louin 2 bedroom 36 $1,018
3 Chunky 2 bedroom 38 $775
4 Enterprise 2 bedroom 73 $1,676
5 Mount Olive 4 bedroom 80 $2,437
6 Seminary 2 bedroom 82 $1,120
7 Bassfield 3 bedroom 94 $1,575
8 Mize 3 bedroom 96 $1,496
9 Sumrall 2 bedroom 148 $2,337
10 Silas 4 bedroom 183 $1,485
11 Beaumont 2 bedroom 186 $1,172
12 Bay Springs 2 bedroom 231 $1,286
13 Prentiss 3 bedroom 343 $1,912
14 Raleigh 3 bedroom 386 $1,766
15 Quitman 3 bedroom 624 $1,991
16 Wayne County 4 bedroom 1287 $2,213
17 Laurel 2 bedroom 2075 $868
18 Lamar County 4 bedroom 4728 $3,172
19 Newton County 3 bedroom 4958 $1,620
20 Jones County 3 bedroom 14949 $2,310

Laurel, MS Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Greene County 12 $1,118 143 $1,576
2 Arnold Line 17 $1,908 19 $2,689
3 Clarke County 27 $877 481 $1,236
4 Jasper County 32 $800 387 $1,127
5 Wayne County 37 $984 258 $1,386
6 Forest 39 $1,175 112 $1,656
7 Smith County 55 $1,181 268 $1,665
8 Newton County 59 $1,046 580 $1,474
9 Simpson County 65 $875 758 $1,233
10 Covington County 125 $982 411 $1,384
11 Hattiesburg 164 $1,439 1393 $2,029
12 Forrest County 166 $1,265 1753 $1,783
13 Lamar County 181 $2,228 335 $3,140
14 Jones County 246 $1,039 1173 $1,465

Laurel, MS home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Bay Springs 697 $1,403 57 $911
2 Mendenhall 708 $1,068 81 $758
3 Collins 811 $1,168 21 $747
4 Ellisville 985 $975 15 $614
5 Magee 1,106 $1,492 62 $925
6 Newton 1,156 $876 63 $543
7 Waynesboro 1,382 $1,213 80 $885
8 Forest 1,471 $1,399 80 $1,091
9 Petal 3,470 $1,982 96 $1,209
10 Perry County 3,664 $1,106 10 $718
11 Smith County 5,135 $1,304 12 $938
12 Wayne County 5,597 $821 80 $574
13 Covington County 5,968 $1,072 33 $804
14 Jasper County 5,992 $1,020 79 $663
15 Laurel 6,171 $1,149 185 $781
16 Newton County 6,709 $1,217 80 $949
17 Simpson County 7,791 $1,054 143 $664
18 Hattiesburg 11,206 $1,872 4,332 $1,347
19 Jones County 19,950 $1,044 239 $720
20 Forrest County 20,679 $1,974 2,996 $1,539

Laurel, MS home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Chunky 76 $1,017 22 $1,200
2 New Hebron 120 $979 51 $1,174
3 Louin 137 $921 25 $1,114
4 Soso 147 $1,374 25 $1,703
5 New Augusta 154 $986 98 $1,163
6 Mount Olive 225 $1,226 180 $1,446
7 Sumrall 431 $2,379 123 $2,831
8 Arnold Line 446 $2,177 225 $2,677
9 Collins 547 $1,307 322 $1,503
10 Mendenhall 557 $1,453 256 $1,772
11 Hattiesburg 1301 $2,219 1330 $2,751
12 Petal 2755 $1,845 1017 $2,306
13 Laurel 3881 $1,267 2963 $1,621
14 Clarke County 5300 $837 1146 $1,004
15 Smith County 5321 $1,405 923 $1,798
16 Covington County 5744 $1,187 1077 $1,471
17 Hattiesburg 6743 $1,872 11471 $2,340
18 Wayne County 6991 $996 1305 $1,245
19 Simpson County 7657 $1,339 2322 $1,606
20 Forrest County 15995 $1,767 11969 $2,244