
Mathiston, MS Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Mathiston, MS homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Mathiston, MS & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Carrollton 4 bedroom 13 $1,705
2 2 bedroom 13 $1,303
3 Artesia 4 bedroom 23 $2,378
4 Brooksville 4 bedroom 58 $1,957
5 Calhoun City 4 bedroom 94 $2,616
6 Vardaman 2 bedroom 119 $1,068
7 Mathiston 2 bedroom 133 $956
8 Elliott 2 bedroom 135 $1,513
9 Okolona 4 bedroom 164 $1,631
10 Kilmichael 3 bedroom 235 $1,980
11 Coffeeville 3 bedroom 308 $1,473
12 Pontotoc 2 bedroom 569 $1,181
13 Macon 3 bedroom 678 $1,957
14 Chickasaw County 4 bedroom 835 $2,600
15 Kosciusko 2 bedroom 863 $1,181
16 Winona 3 bedroom 1185 $1,417
17 Grenada County 4 bedroom 1289 $2,713
18 Attala County 2 bedroom 2327 $1,102
19 Lowndes County 2 bedroom 6105 $1,575
20 Oktibbeha County 2 bedroom 6436 $1,251

Mathiston, MS Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Mathiston 11 $745 23 $992
2 Maben 13 $1,250 66 $1,665
3 Ethel 30 $718 13 $956
4 Ackerman 42 $1,204 51 $1,603
5 Eupora 55 $1,334 32 $1,777
6 Aberdeen 70 $1,087 129 $1,448
7 Caledonia 71 $1,902 15 $2,532
8 Shannon 73 $1,155 47 $1,538
9 New Hope 164 $2,207 16 $2,938
10 Louisville 174 $1,051 237 $1,400
11 Kosciusko 282 $1,128 253 $1,502
12 Choctaw County 295 $1,038 202 $1,382
13 Grenada 307 $1,364 567 $1,817
14 Columbus AFB 313 $-14 16 $-19
15 Yalobusha County 389 $745 266 $992
16 Montgomery County 488 $962 270 $1,280
17 Chickasaw County 706 $1,039 208 $1,384
18 Grenada County 956 $1,136 748 $1,513
19 Attala County 1057 $946 641 $1,260
20 Starkville 2045 $2,090 500 $2,783

Mathiston, MS home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Vaiden 213 $918 10 $670
2 Maben 278 $1,439 18 $1,108
3 Mathiston 302 $985 10 $620
4 Nettleton 682 $1,123 26 $808
5 Eupora 706 $1,656 28 $1,192
6 Okolona 777 $751 21 $570
7 Houston 880 $1,455 19 $873
8 Pontotoc 1,660 $1,141 24 $810
9 Louisville 2,248 $1,471 35 $1,029
10 Kosciusko 2,646 $1,247 102 $785
11 Noxubee County 3,177 $1,085 54 $792
12 Carroll County 3,270 $975 10 $653
13 Webster County 3,492 $1,353 41 $879
14 West Point 3,759 $1,157 45 $752
15 Grenada 4,797 $1,571 333 $1,162
16 Attala County 6,563 $1,281 102 $973
17 Winston County 6,618 $965 59 $636
18 Grenada County 7,263 $1,417 369 $1,034
19 Pontotoc County 8,627 $1,406 47 $998
20 Oktibbeha County 10,648 $1,599 2,034 $1,119

Mathiston, MS home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 French Camp 29 $2,703 18 $3,513
2 Sturgis 75 $889 31 $1,120
3 Artesia 97 $937 27 $1,133
4 Weir 175 $1,004 33 $1,244
5 New Houlka 195 $648 67 $745
6 Duck Hill 215 $1,086 147 $1,400
7 Vardaman 273 $864 205 $1,080
8 Mathiston 284 $998 75 $1,207
9 Bruce 360 $678 451 $867
10 Nettleton 459 $1,233 245 $1,442
11 Okolona 529 $935 539 $1,131
12 New Hope 1046 $2,696 205 $3,423
13 Pontotoc 1138 $1,206 656 $1,423
14 Choctaw County 2510 $900 867 $1,170
15 West Point 2598 $1,057 1670 $1,247
16 Grenada 3400 $1,616 1696 $1,923
17 Chickasaw County 4793 $891 1880 $1,069
18 Attala County 5407 $1,090 1842 $1,253
19 Grenada County 6021 $1,485 2462 $1,871
20 Pontotoc County 7864 $1,134 2098 $1,406