
Lewis, MO Homeowners Insurance Spectacular Stats

Spectacularly in depth stats on Lewis, MO homeowners insurance that will help keep your rates low.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Lewis, MO & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Homestown 2 bedroom 19 $157
2 Miner 4 bedroom 24 $1,125
3 Greenway 3 bedroom 42 $256
4 Zalma 2 bedroom 43 $385
5 Canalou 2 bedroom 49 $250
6 Olive Branch 1 bedroom 54 $287
7 Godair 3 bedroom 86 $472
8 Matthews 3 bedroom 119 $495
9 Thebes 3 bedroom 145 $358
10 Oran 3 bedroom 285 $618
11 Bowen 2 bedroom 471 $516
12 Mississippi County 4 bedroom 513 $812
13 Portageville 3 bedroom 636 $756
14 Beaver Dam 2 bedroom 664 $490
15 Sikeston 4 bedroom 707 $825
16 Hayti 3 bedroom 780 $618
17 Blytheville 4 bedroom 794 $926
18 Alexander County 2 bedroom 1272 $437
19 Ballard County 3 bedroom 1975 $618
20 New Madrid County 2 bedroom 2511 $268

Lewis, MO Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Wardell 12 $198 63 $263
2 Advance 18 $344 69 $459
3 Pollard 19 $247 11 $328
4 Little River 20 $204 80 $272
5 Qulin 22 $198 48 $263
6 Clarkton 22 $200 49 $267
7 Freeborn 34 $176 70 $234
8 Rector 47 $214 114 $285
9 Campbell 53 $262 144 $349
10 Wickliffe 108 $365 91 $486
11 Cotton Hill 108 $269 240 $359
12 Hubble 180 $785 57 $1,045
13 Newbern 264 $434 167 $578
14 Castor 311 $445 201 $592
15 Big Prairie 352 $489 135 $651
16 Dyersburg 779 $485 632 $647
17 New Madrid County 898 $315 730 $420
18 Dunklin County 1077 $356 1279 $474
19 Cape Girardeau 1586 $682 1338 $908
20 Obion County 1680 $362 1018 $483

Lewis, MO home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Obion 387 $372 10 $279
2 Kenton 497 $340 13 $261
3 Steele 670 $343 17 $209
4 Tiptonville 709 $360 56 $226
5 Fancy Farm 776 $412 19 $267
6 South Fulton 1,009 $371 22 $263
7 Malden 1,616 $306 25 $235
8 Tywappity 2,005 $364 20 $232
9 Cotton Hill 2,173 $221 25 $165
10 Dexter 2,790 $344 88 $209
11 Martin 2,874 $693 321 $533
12 Kelso 3,498 $535 65 $358
13 Pemiscot County 6,028 $317 149 $228
14 New Madrid County 6,395 $313 66 $219
15 Chickasawba 6,827 $343 104 $212
16 Stoddard County 10,755 $342 151 $256
17 Obion County 10,989 $538 186 $360
18 Scott County 12,728 $396 457 $273
19 Dyer County 12,980 $443 473 $265
20 Butler County 14,948 $485 512 $324

Lewis, MO home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dutchtown 12 $345 12 $400
2 Rives 30 $94 16 $112
3 Godair 64 $401 105 $521
4 Hayti Heights 67 $301 113 $355
5 Pascola 139 $186 26 $223
6 Gordonville 167 $970 13 $1,222
7 Morehouse 220 $212 132 $256
8 Bertrand 234 $312 129 $390
9 Little River 235 $194 64 $238
10 Olive Branch 272 $361 60 $465
11 New Lisbon 313 $214 76 $261
12 350 $177 209 $215
13 Cunningham 565 $595 41 $696
14 Newbern 566 $411 665 $513
15 Portageville 672 $366 615 $457
16 Caruthersville 1207 $375 1260 $461
17 Kelso 2962 $545 1017 $648
18 New Madrid County 4726 $306 2791 $354
19 Poplar Bluff 6121 $531 4552 $615
20 Cape Girardeau 9055 $767 6769 $920