
Marvelous Pawhuska, MO Homeowners Insurance Facts

Marvelous facts to give you ideas to save on your Pawhuska, MO homeowners insurance quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Pawhuska, MO & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Climax Springs 2 bedroom 10 $202
2 Cross Timbers 4 bedroom 29 $797
3 Hartsburg 2 bedroom 31 $367
4 Barnett 2 bedroom 48 $498
5 Bunceton 2 bedroom 51 $256
6 Centertown 3 bedroom 66 $461
7 Bennett Springs 2 bedroom 143 $180
8 Phillipsburg 2 bedroom 144 $472
9 Niangua 4 bedroom 240 $967
10 Spring Hollow 4 bedroom 246 $550
11 Benton 1 bedroom 259 $318
12 May/Smith 3 bedroom 295 $551
13 Village of Four Seasons 2 bedroom 638 $731
14 Russell 2 bedroom 830 $797
15 Glaze 2 bedroom 1121 $811
16 Maries County 2 bedroom 1363 $367
17 Pawhuska 4 bedroom 1434 $1,885
18 Osage Beach 2 bedroom 1808 $756
19 Hickory County 2 bedroom 2469 $540
20 Sedalia 2 bedroom 4152 $573

Pawhuska, MO Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Niangua 10 $624 152 $843
2 Osceola 11 $888 88 $1,200
3 Morgan County 11 $542 1273 $732
4 Fristoe 11 $385 236 $520
5 Richwoods 12 $362 166 $489
6 Burris Fork 13 $560 46 $756
7 Otterville 17 $311 23 $420
8 Lake Ozark 18 $818 46 $1,105
9 Glaze 18 $538 155 $727
10 Camdenton 21 $560 134 $756
11 Moniteau County 23 $536 690 $724
12 Miller County 32 $464 799 $627
13 Cole 38 $341 180 $460
14 Maries County 58 $465 557 $629
15 Cooper County 65 $517 600 $698
16 Pawhuska 106 $1,152 189 $1,556
17 St. Robert 155 $855 103 $1,155
18 Cullen 155 $506 1545 $683
19 Pulaski County 182 $604 2106 $816
20 Camden County 191 $884 2013 $1,194

Pawhuska, MO home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Sunrise Beach 439 $315 16 $204
2 Crocker 444 $444 21 $328
3 Smithton 886 $341 41 $231
4 Tavern 994 $486 36 $379
5 Camdenton 1,080 $514 115 $339
6 Niangua 1,096 $610 186 $402
7 Osceola 1,185 $984 50 $590
8 California 1,346 $550 126 $335
9 Haw Creek 1,390 $439 42 $351
10 Eldon 1,464 $370 86 $277
11 Glaze 2,736 $667 614 $420
12 Maries County 3,772 $498 87 $368
13 Pawhuska 4,635 $1,199 3,049 $851
14 Adair 4,863 $1,033 136 $661
15 Moniteau County 4,969 $456 144 $291
16 Cooper County 5,930 $468 124 $285
17 Dallas County 6,018 $557 61 $412
18 Sedalia 9,045 $466 848 $358
19 Pulaski County 11,739 $488 672 $356
20 Jefferson 17,174 $707 2,241 $537

Pawhuska, MO home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Hartsburg 42 $362 24 $459
2 Argyle 55 $390 18 $456
3 Clarksburg 71 $180 20 $210
4 Westphalia 114 $737 40 $950
5 Newburg 134 $205 101 $250
6 Burris Fork 222 $655 22 $831
7 Stover 292 $293 153 $336
8 Cole Camp 464 $474 166 $601
9 Lindsey 575 $737 45 $950
10 Tavern 802 $486 431 $563
11 Marion 1114 $633 581 $765
12 Osage Beach 1122 $1,093 665 $1,344
13 Eldon 1221 $361 833 $425
14 Cedar 1404 $957 303 $1,177
15 Adair 1745 $937 246 $1,161
16 Glaze 2120 $717 738 $910
17 Pawhuska 2228 $1,049 776 $1,332
18 Lebanon 4517 $543 3068 $673
19 Miller County 7670 $510 2518 $632
20 Camden County 14118 $871 3502 $1,062