
Hartville, MO Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Hartville, MO homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Hartville, MO & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Champion 4 bedroom 19 $975
2 Garrison 3 bedroom 44 $750
3 Upton 4 bedroom 44 $861
4 Bruner 2 bedroom 45 $551
5 Bennett Springs 3 bedroom 48 $262
6 Eldridge 4 bedroom 60 $673
7 Sparta 1 bedroom 66 $525
8 Hartville 2 bedroom 127 $281
9 Dry Creek 2 bedroom 149 $411
10 Ava 1 bedroom 156 $428
11 Clay A 3 bedroom 190 $1,192
12 Campbell No. 1 4 bedroom 223 $2,250
13 St. Robert 4 bedroom 241 $1,265
14 Licking 2 bedroom 348 $507
15 Riverside 2 bedroom 475 $825
16 Swan 4 bedroom 526 $937
17 Mountain View 3 bedroom 573 $618
18 Campbell No. 3A 3 bedroom 683 $918
19 Spring Hollow 2 bedroom 732 $507
20 Springfield 1 bedroom 11159 $337

Hartville, MO Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Campbell No. 3A 10 $663 212 $818
2 Finley 11 $535 447 $660
3 Dallas 12 $440 128 $543
4 Robberson 13 $676 237 $834
5 Campbell No. 2 15 $671 337 $828
6 Wright County 19 $321 2227 $396
7 Gasconade 19 $377 119 $466
8 Burdine 20 $413 310 $510
9 Douglas County 26 $389 1197 $480
10 Union Chapel 26 $842 470 $1,039
11 Houston 45 $476 192 $587
12 Piney 45 $526 398 $649
13 Marshfield 50 $461 518 $569
14 Ozark County 58 $465 1042 $574
15 Willard 66 $589 376 $726
16 Texas County 80 $333 2184 $411
17 St. Robert 155 $740 97 $913
18 Cullen 155 $506 1250 $624
19 Springfield 204 $427 14565 $527
20 Greene County 456 $527 23006 $650

Hartville, MO home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Conway 274 $262 19 $193
2 Fair Grove 513 $497 10 $397
3 Hart 513 $385 10 $250
4 Mansfield 530 $402 15 $281
5 Campbell No. 2C 788 $730 16 $467
6 St. Robert 1,020 $933 72 $569
7 Burdine 1,169 $492 85 $344
8 Wilson A 1,300 $670 127 $509
9 Goldsberry 1,314 $429 49 $296
10 Sherrill 1,352 $365 26 $284
11 Willow Springs 1,556 $540 41 $329
12 Waynesville 1,560 $837 60 $577
13 Piney 1,750 $649 14 $395
14 Campbell No. 2A 2,404 $654 13 $457
15 Ozark County 4,344 $481 10 $360
16 Douglas County 5,114 $628 28 $408
17 Lebanon 6,153 $554 456 $371
18 Nixa 6,164 $621 500 $490
19 Wright County 6,769 $430 88 $322
20 Cullen 7,417 $765 617 $589

Hartville, MO home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Siloam Springs 166 $243 75 $306
2 Hartville 173 $182 116 $236
3 Thornfield 180 $316 42 $404
4 Bayou II 184 $425 33 $493
5 Fremont Hills 262 $1,500 35 $1,935
6 Gasconade 358 $523 124 $638
7 Eldridge 372 $270 54 $313
8 Hart 418 $378 144 $468
9 Mountain View 550 $355 507 $457
10 Campbell No. 1 556 $1,396 36 $1,786
11 Finley 606 $364 154 $473
12 Campbell No. 2B 613 $777 259 $940
13 Campbell No. 2C 678 $847 126 $1,050
14 Robberson 809 $730 176 $905
15 Ozark 930 $902 102 $1,154
16 Campbell No. 2 989 $881 144 $1,030
17 Wilson C 1185 $1,077 99 $1,303
18 Marshfield 1684 $407 1268 $525
19 Ozark County 3322 $555 821 $715
20 Laclede County 10096 $489 4073 $572