
Tremont, MO Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Tremont, MO homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Tremont, MO & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Fleming 1 bedroom 11 $250
2 Fillmore 4 bedroom 21 $660
3 Barnard 2 bedroom 22 $368
4 Cosby 2 bedroom 23 $293
5 Rosendale 3 bedroom 24 $463
6 Ridgely 3 bedroom 26 $812
7 Wood Heights 5 or more bedrooms 37 $1,462
8 Troy 4 bedroom 57 $812
9 Bloomington 2 bedroom 76 $411
10 Agency 2 bedroom 82 $687
11 Altamont 2 bedroom 88 $250
12 Westwood Hills 3 bedroom 97 $1,430
13 Tremont 4 bedroom 127 $1,365
14 Hardin 3 bedroom 379 $845
15 Lawson 3 bedroom 519 $715
16 Atchison 2 bedroom 1380 $358
17 Merriam 3 bedroom 2010 $806
18 Andrew County 3 bedroom 3186 $811
19 Gallatin 4 bedroom 4051 $945
20 Platte County 2 bedroom 9204 $893

Tremont, MO Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Highland 10 $393 164 $526
2 Skidmore 16 $198 66 $264
3 Ferrelview 20 $214 18 $286
4 Mound City 20 $396 199 $529
5 Braymer 26 $255 196 $341
6 Tremont 30 $889 113 $1,189
7 Empire 57 $995 67 $1,331
8 Knoxville 62 $484 68 $647
9 Shannon 96 $743 135 $993
10 Camden 124 $438 77 $585
11 Savannah 127 $457 393 $612
12 Buckner 152 $503 98 $672
13 Tonganoxie 302 $719 286 $961
14 Daviess County 431 $556 1045 $744
15 Parkville 543 $1,558 138 $2,083
16 Atchison County 548 $333 2520 $445
17 Gladstone 599 $685 217 $915
18 Stranger 693 $1,085 102 $1,450
19 Buchanan County 3088 $577 11571 $771
20 Kansas City 23979 $553 51953 $740

Tremont, MO home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Maitland 121 $346 10 $256
2 Rochester 384 $528 25 $396
3 Athens 871 $369 42 $228
4 Buckner 1,046 $506 17 $394
5 Pettis 1,114 $595 420 $464
6 Nodaway 1,962 $589 162 $406
7 Fort Osage 2,349 $665 17 $492
8 Gentry County 2,594 $440 66 $338
9 Pawnee 2,665 $895 819 $707
10 Mission 2,812 $784 1,236 $533
11 Richmond 3,318 $607 122 $394
12 Atchison 3,404 $396 473 $253
13 May 6,114 $985 2,855 $669
14 Jefferson County 6,965 $724 103 $550
15 Clinton County 7,259 $709 195 $425
16 Prairie Village 9,078 $1,230 515 $897
17 Washington 25,794 $515 2,875 $396
18 Brooking 30,029 $395 2,490 $296
19 Wyandotte County 51,744 $412 7,032 $296
20 Jackson County 229,196 $526 39,958 $326

Tremont, MO home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Lewis and Clark Village 24 $624 15 $723
2 Amazonia 109 $398 25 $465
3 Holt 135 $593 61 $729
4 Ravenwood 149 $273 53 $338
5 Trimble 169 $697 110 $850
6 Nortonville 191 $377 35 $448
7 Edgerton 196 $533 37 $628
8 Tremont 239 $755 25 $906
9 Grape Grove 264 $762 44 $929
10 Kickapoo 536 $700 110 $854
11 Weatherby Lake 755 $1,348 29 $1,671
12 Parkville 1588 $1,655 440 $2,118
13 Pawnee 2213 $706 1385 $875
14 Mission 2340 $928 2650 $1,150
15 Caldwell County 2732 $467 1000 $569
16 Merriam 3092 $918 1844 $1,156
17 Clinton County 5910 $812 2121 $941
18 Liberty 16183 $1,026 3906 $1,333
19 Gallatin 17150 $594 12437 $730
20 Leavenworth County 17688 $949 8479 $1,119