
Sunrise Beach, MO Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Sunrise Beach, MO homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Sunrise Beach, MO & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Gerster 3 bedroom 11 $446
2 Conway 1 bedroom 40 $325
3 Stover 4 bedroom 50 $687
4 Clarksburg 3 bedroom 53 $507
5 Harrison 2 bedroom 58 $797
6 Stark 4 bedroom 72 $845
7 Jim Henry 2 bedroom 84 $437
8 McKinley 2 bedroom 87 $367
9 Sunrise Beach 4 bedroom 88 $825
10 Laurie 4 bedroom 90 $1,192
11 Auglaize 4 bedroom 116 $687
12 May/Smith 2 bedroom 124 $607
13 Arlington 1 bedroom 138 $287
14 Spring Hollow 4 bedroom 246 $641
15 Franklin 2 bedroom 277 $472
16 Tavern 2 bedroom 389 $367
17 Willow Fork 3 bedroom 564 $551
18 Tom 3 bedroom 1145 $828
19 Pawhuska 3 bedroom 4667 $1,622
20 Morgan County 2 bedroom 4676 $495

Sunrise Beach, MO Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Pilot Grove 10 $737 35 $952
2 Niangua 10 $613 117 $792
3 Osceola 11 $731 68 $945
4 Summit 11 $672 323 $869
5 Fristoe 11 $338 217 $437
6 Richwoods 12 $451 216 $583
7 Burris Fork 13 $750 17 $970
8 Otterville 17 $277 37 $359
9 Lake Ozark 18 $1,022 133 $1,321
10 St. Martins 20 $697 84 $901
11 Camdenton 21 $439 266 $567
12 Russell 29 $676 425 $874
13 Cole 38 $401 277 $519
14 Jefferson 43 $509 2554 $658
15 Benton County 49 $481 1751 $622
16 Maries County 58 $516 328 $667
17 Cole County 69 $692 3255 $895
18 Pawhuska 106 $982 519 $1,269
19 St. Robert 155 $840 24 $1,086
20 Pulaski County 182 $510 1221 $659

Sunrise Beach, MO home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Sunrise Beach 439 $332 16 $255
2 Crocker 444 $532 21 $399
3 Tipton 783 $365 13 $233
4 Richwoods 1,320 $507 34 $329
5 California 1,346 $453 126 $271
6 Village of Four Seasons 1,578 $1,145 695 $767
7 Benton 1,689 $442 61 $344
8 Walker 2,292 $632 126 $429
9 Saline 2,581 $511 86 $362
10 Glaze 2,736 $680 614 $530
11 Osage 3,323 $1,121 1,275 $896
12 Pawhuska 4,635 $1,423 3,049 $967
13 Adair 4,863 $976 136 $692
14 Dallas County 6,018 $467 61 $354
15 Lebanon 6,153 $543 456 $363
16 Miller County 8,829 $454 738 $331
17 Sedalia 9,045 $360 848 $216
18 Laclede County 10,573 $378 475 $291
19 Pettis County 14,189 $427 898 $264
20 Cole County 23,404 $753 2,258 $572

Sunrise Beach, MO home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Barnett 78 $226 73 $277
2 Lake Creek 135 $545 20 $675
3 Cross Timbers 167 $215 86 $279
4 Sunrise Beach 206 $242 29 $278
5 Burris Fork 222 $833 22 $1,074
6 Crocker 282 $381 246 $461
7 Green Ridge 354 $344 80 $402
8 Eldridge 372 $270 54 $332
9 Warsaw 608 $311 388 $366
10 Versailles 624 $249 392 $303
11 Fristoe 805 $505 155 $636
12 Williams 1088 $664 248 $810
13 Haw Creek 1169 $374 475 $482
14 Spring Hollow 1422 $335 125 $385
15 Osage 1809 $1,148 673 $1,389
16 Saline 2319 $450 1155 $567
17 Hickory County 3563 $505 696 $616
18 Lebanon 4517 $523 3068 $648
19 Jefferson 14153 $762 8816 $975
20 Cole County 19772 $654 9784 $791