
Outstanding Cologne, MN Homeowners Insurance Stats

Outstanding stats that is very useful to know in getting a damn good deal on your Cologne, MN homeowners insurance quote.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Cologne, MN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 South Haven 3 bedroom 39 $907
2 Benton 5 or more bedrooms 55 $4,785
3 Randolph 4 bedroom 78 $3,285
4 Cologne 2 bedroom 98 $1,072
5 Greenvale 3 bedroom 108 $1,870
6 Walcott 4 bedroom 109 $2,470
7 Birchwood Village 4 bedroom 114 $3,420
8 Spring Park 3 bedroom 130 $1,760
9 Winsted 2 bedroom 361 $1,023
10 Le Sueur 2 bedroom 417 $1,155
11 Lonsdale 3 bedroom 487 $1,387
12 Afton 3 bedroom 506 $3,870
13 Falcon Heights 2 bedroom 805 $1,612
14 Hutchinson 4 bedroom 1091 $1,912
15 North Mankato 2 bedroom 1449 $742
16 Shakopee 2 bedroom 3753 $1,560
17 Roseville 2 bedroom 4212 $1,218
18 McLeod County 3 bedroom 6076 $1,292
19 Burnsville 2 bedroom 7750 $1,155
20 Carver County 3 bedroom 11058 $2,080

Cologne, MN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Courtland 10 $1,177 22 $1,353
2 Gem Lake 18 $2,604 13 $2,993
3 Cologne 38 $1,944 45 $2,234
4 Acoma 54 $2,500 16 $2,873
5 St. Bonifacius 57 $1,752 38 $2,014
6 Denmark 66 $3,674 51 $4,222
7 Greenfield 86 $2,683 23 $3,083
8 Elysian 105 $2,532 108 $2,910
9 Newport 124 $1,363 150 $1,567
10 Wayzata 176 $3,896 305 $4,477
11 Columbus 253 $1,948 105 $2,239
12 Little Canada 831 $1,848 303 $2,124
13 Northfield 914 $1,553 448 $1,785
14 Nicollet County 1273 $1,258 1416 $1,446
15 Vadnais Heights 2057 $1,601 355 $1,841
16 Maplewood 2640 $1,347 2566 $1,548
17 Apple Valley 4400 $1,581 129 $1,817
18 Anoka County 22639 $1,555 12346 $1,787
19 Dakota County 33188 $2,189 9090 $2,516
20 Hennepin County 71582 $1,915 70616 $2,201

Cologne, MN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Madison Lake 336 $1,575 16 $1,134
2 Medford 456 $1,184 17 $816
3 Cologne 483 $1,852 18 $1,444
4 St. Bonifacius 854 $2,062 27 $1,402
5 Montgomery 1,025 $855 83 $675
6 Annandale 1,031 $1,538 113 $1,153
7 Little Canada 1,999 $1,692 2,104 $1,353
8 Oak Grove 2,799 $1,881 58 $1,166
9 Waseca 3,064 $1,193 550 $930
10 Anoka 4,763 $1,304 2,073 $795
11 Robbinsdale 4,800 $1,510 1,234 $1,072
12 Lino Lakes 6,108 $2,289 132 $1,670
13 Columbia Heights 6,355 $1,586 1,427 $1,126
14 Farmington 6,901 $1,491 363 $1,118
15 Ramsey 8,197 $1,832 126 $1,172
16 Nicollet County 9,754 $1,302 1,194 $1,002
17 McLeod County 12,325 $1,223 1,719 $880
18 Apple Valley 16,050 $1,664 2,631 $1,314
19 Eagan 19,052 $2,173 5,812 $1,738
20 Carver County 28,756 $2,298 3,526 $1,815

Cologne, MN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Jamestown 211 $2,150 25 $2,709
2 Stockholm 254 $1,304 41 $1,525
3 Benton 267 $3,069 35 $3,774
4 Greenleaf 305 $1,616 44 $1,987
5 Watkins 321 $858 116 $1,029
6 Woodland 362 $2,335 41 $2,988
7 Waverly 390 $1,283 72 $1,565
8 Clearwater 437 $1,239 173 $1,536
9 Cologne 459 $1,352 78 $1,635
10 Dundas 499 $1,321 69 $1,598
11 Marysville 775 $1,741 60 $2,211
12 Montrose 782 $1,173 163 $1,348
13 Montgomery 926 $1,042 209 $1,354
14 Norwood Young America 976 $1,095 364 $1,412
15 Zimmerman 1183 $1,220 522 $1,476
16 Watertown 1311 $1,373 325 $1,661
17 Medina 1545 $4,691 96 $5,441
18 Waseca 2884 $891 1080 $1,095
19 Hopkins 2994 $1,732 5220 $2,026
20 Maple Grove 20311 $2,318 2883 $2,897