
Breckenridge, MN Homeowners Insurance Wonderful Info

Wonderful information about Breckenridge, MN homeowners insurance to help you get the cheapest quotes and save

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Breckenridge, MN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Ibsen 4 bedroom 14 $1,980
2 Nansen 4 bedroom 16 $1,072
3 Dalton 1 bedroom 18 $518
4 Wendell 2 bedroom 21 $575
5 Elk Lake 4 bedroom 21 $2,177
6 Delaware 4 bedroom 23 $1,170
7 Pleasant 5 or more bedrooms 26 $3,870
8 Stony Brook 3 bedroom 33 $907
9 Rutland 3 bedroom 34 $406
10 Foxhome 3 bedroom 34 $1,068
11 Donnelly 2 bedroom 53 $638
12 Lund 2 bedroom 65 $990
13 Moland 3 bedroom 76 $1,800
14 Herman 2 bedroom 93 $656
15 Buse 3 bedroom 96 $1,368
16 Clitherall 3 bedroom 178 $1,687
17 Glyndon 3 bedroom 188 $1,292
18 Breckenridge 2 bedroom 301 $822
19 Everts 3 bedroom 388 $3,120
20 Dunn 3 bedroom 584 $2,112

Breckenridge, MN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Fairmount 11 $360 23 $479
2 Milnor 14 $476 37 $633
3 Herman 15 $405 34 $539
4 Ashby 17 $580 24 $772
5 Erdahl 20 $1,421 26 $1,893
6 Buse 29 $860 20 $1,145
7 Lake Park 51 $766 30 $1,020
8 Dead Lake 56 $1,314 25 $1,749
9 Hawley 61 $838 36 $1,117
10 Candor 62 $1,266 26 $1,685
11 Pelican Rapids 65 $697 46 $929
12 Scambler 75 $1,358 55 $1,808
13 Star Lake 92 $1,619 42 $2,156
14 Edna 125 $1,958 29 $2,607
15 Breckenridge 154 $761 113 $1,013
16 Lida 177 $2,064 31 $2,748
17 Barnesville 207 $828 31 $1,102
18 Clay County 4245 $1,227 961 $1,633
19 West Fargo 4441 $929 147 $1,237
20 Fargo 8241 $1,100 1353 $1,465

Breckenridge, MN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Underwood 145 $934 18 $607
2 Vergas 156 $776 11 $558
3 Herman 236 $435 17 $278
4 Graceville 241 $508 55 $320
5 Lake Park 258 $1,012 23 $688
6 Ottertail 369 $1,331 11 $838
7 Battle Lake 426 $1,346 51 $861
8 Elbow Lake 545 $664 86 $464
9 Hawley 619 $1,206 149 $916
10 Pelican Rapids 669 $580 197 $371
11 Wheaton 725 $426 99 $306
12 Barnesville 955 $890 58 $658
13 Breckenridge 1,203 $831 200 $639
14 Dilworth 1,239 $1,031 342 $680
15 Traverse County 1,796 $444 154 $288
16 Wilkin County 2,535 $983 200 $707
17 Fergus Falls 3,840 $1,066 1,037 $852
18 Moorhead 10,094 $1,060 3,550 $742
19 Clay County 17,318 $1,279 4,211 $805
20 Otter Tail County 28,890 $1,068 1,880 $854

Breckenridge, MN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Folsom 24 $920 19 $1,131
2 Alliance 85 $917 10 $1,173
3 Abercrombie 112 $419 15 $511
4 Rosholt 143 $520 45 $639
5 Pelican Lake 152 $1,813 33 $2,338
6 Scambler 178 $2,128 19 $2,766
7 Hoffman 188 $637 93 $802
8 Dead Lake 192 $1,452 11 $1,742
9 Clitherall 201 $2,254 24 $2,592
10 Otter Tail 217 $2,037 14 $2,424
11 Mapleton 273 $1,177 11 $1,530
12 Edna 326 $2,543 37 $3,077
13 Dora 328 $2,057 29 $2,571
14 Wheaton 563 $438 129 $534
15 Sisseton 565 $627 385 $802
16 Pelican Rapids 678 $710 330 $866
17 Breckenridge 1068 $882 362 $1,058
18 Wilkin County 2213 $930 466 $1,153
19 Fergus Falls 3418 $1,043 2240 $1,272
20 Moorhead 8872 $1,075 5417 $1,333