
Outstanding Stewartville, MN Homeowners Insurance Stats

Outstanding stats that is very useful to know in getting a damn good deal on your Stewartville, MN homeowners insurance quote.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Stewartville, MN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Myrtle 3 bedroom 12 $682
2 Elmira 2 bedroom 22 $1,251
3 London 2 bedroom 23 $700
4 Wykoff 4 bedroom 36 $1,781
5 Protivin 1 bedroom 39 $600
6 Dover 4 bedroom 42 $2,047
7 Wacouta 2 bedroom 52 $1,732
8 Fountain 2 bedroom 55 $700
9 Havana 2 bedroom 60 $1,710
10 Zumbro 4 bedroom 62 $3,375
11 Bluffton 2 bedroom 68 $1,086
12 Lansing 2 bedroom 95 $907
13 Stanton 3 bedroom 157 $1,732
14 Fountain City 3 bedroom 169 $1,511
15 Lewiston 3 bedroom 208 $1,168
16 St. Ansgar 3 bedroom 244 $1,057
17 Goodview 2 bedroom 408 $1,196
18 Osage 3 bedroom 630 $1,182
19 Stewartville 3 bedroom 835 $1,348
20 Fillmore County 3 bedroom 3921 $1,275

Stewartville, MN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 New Oregon 10 $744 264 $896
2 Shell Rock 10 $902 73 $1,086
3 Amherst 11 $1,559 51 $1,877
4 Money Creek 17 $1,001 87 $1,206
5 Pepin 21 $1,681 80 $2,024
6 Grand Meadow 23 $817 159 $983
7 Canton 26 $1,371 68 $1,651
8 Rushford Village 29 $1,258 127 $1,514
9 Canoe 35 $1,920 95 $2,312
10 Adams 36 $579 139 $698
11 Warsaw 43 $1,756 154 $2,115
12 High Forest 45 $1,572 91 $1,893
13 Salem 48 $1,985 67 $2,390
14 Cannon City 53 $1,926 108 $2,319
15 Haverhill 131 $2,300 46 $2,769
16 Wabasha 179 $1,108 311 $1,334
17 Pine Island 180 $1,158 210 $1,395
18 Stewartville 250 $1,465 314 $1,764
19 Cannon Falls 384 $1,151 357 $1,386
20 Dodge County 634 $1,353 1749 $1,629

Stewartville, MN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Rose Creek 160 $837 21 $619
2 Concord 228 $1,691 15 $1,132
3 Brownsdale 244 $868 29 $564
4 Mazeppa 267 $1,112 16 $700
5 Fountain City 276 $1,366 22 $846
6 Houston 348 $749 42 $516
7 Mabel 356 $610 27 $445
8 Hayfield 398 $749 63 $576
9 Spring Grove 489 $798 68 $486
10 Rushford 660 $1,048 20 $754
11 Plainview 959 $945 94 $756
12 Goodview 1,190 $1,050 127 $651
13 Cresco 1,436 $569 65 $426
14 Byron 1,503 $1,472 129 $1,015
15 Vernon Springs 1,681 $851 65 $578
16 Stewartville 1,829 $1,154 265 $911
17 Wabasha County 8,065 $1,306 306 $914
18 Owatonna 8,152 $1,024 1,507 $757
19 Austin 8,344 $599 1,247 $425
20 Rochester 32,767 $1,239 7,330 $867

Stewartville, MN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Peterson 71 $670 16 $830
2 Grafton 81 $540 35 $685
3 Pilot Mound 96 $1,581 14 $2,023
4 Wiscoy 106 $1,697 12 $2,036
5 Protivin 121 $552 45 $678
6 Albany 128 $1,385 24 $1,772
7 Otisco 129 $1,496 47 $1,735
8 Frankford 136 $2,184 10 $2,773
9 Summit 147 $1,561 19 $1,857
10 Hayward 152 $1,320 21 $1,636
11 Norton 204 $1,481 65 $1,732
12 Canoe 205 $1,501 24 $1,876
13 Minneola 235 $1,573 36 $2,029
14 Fountain City 251 $1,336 130 $1,603
15 Wasioja 335 $1,793 47 $2,079
16 Walcott 344 $2,056 32 $2,549
17 Salem 359 $2,305 43 $2,650
18 St. Charles 929 $1,268 328 $1,635
19 Stewartville 1809 $1,260 546 $1,537
20 Faribault 5899 $1,151 2354 $1,323