
Handy Albert Lea, MN Homeowners Insurance Info

Critical information about Albert Lea, MN homeowners insurance which will come handy in getting the cheapest quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Albert Lea, MN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Walters 2 bedroom 16 $600
2 Rock Falls 3 bedroom 23 $1,001
3 McPherson 2 bedroom 31 $1,397
4 Orthel 4 bedroom 33 $1,560
5 Elmore 4 bedroom 38 $1,292
6 Pilot Grove 3 bedroom 45 $1,306
7 Waldorf 3 bedroom 49 $990
8 Otranto 2 bedroom 52 $831
9 New Richland 4 bedroom 54 $1,485
10 Cannon City 2 bedroom 63 $1,153
11 Lyle 2 bedroom 70 $506
12 Jamestown 3 bedroom 82 $1,023
13 Amboy 2 bedroom 96 $603
14 Medford 2 bedroom 100 $1,031
15 South Bend 4 bedroom 108 $1,462
16 Waterville 3 bedroom 424 $1,332
17 Dodge Center 3 bedroom 436 $990
18 Hancock County 3 bedroom 2467 $1,080
19 Albert Lea 3 bedroom 3330 $935
20 Cerro Gordo County 3 bedroom 8413 $948

Albert Lea, MN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Verona 10 $1,393 36 $1,601
2 Rockford 14 $816 34 $937
3 St. Ansgar 16 $811 62 $932
4 Alden 17 $698 43 $802
5 Glenville 20 $687 38 $790
6 New Richland 25 $872 72 $1,002
7 King 27 $399 61 $459
8 Falls 33 $1,224 43 $1,406
9 St. Clair 36 $1,113 22 $1,279
10 Spring Valley 77 $750 179 $862
11 Lime 86 $1,814 20 $2,084
12 Washington 99 $2,952 30 $3,393
13 Elysian 105 $2,091 108 $2,403
14 Janesville 111 $1,089 83 $1,252
15 Blue Earth 200 $616 291 $708
16 Waseca 354 $820 528 $942
17 Faribault County 481 $584 1344 $672
18 Albert Lea 667 $730 1811 $839
19 Mower County 996 $802 3867 $922
20 Mankato 1667 $1,292 1935 $1,485

Albert Lea, MN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Emmons 169 $694 10 $527
2 Clarks Grove 173 $544 18 $331
3 Brownsdale 244 $676 29 $419
4 Minnesota Lake 255 $644 16 $399
5 Ellendale 265 $1,085 17 $737
6 Elmore 283 $420 18 $310
7 Alden 296 $632 10 $391
8 Adams 307 $834 17 $500
9 Le Roy 392 $653 44 $522
10 Hayfield 398 $760 63 $456
11 Winnebago 572 $500 39 $380
12 Rock Grove 603 $751 28 $555
13 Kenyon 651 $1,106 60 $707
14 Spring Valley 884 $953 103 $619
15 Byron 1,503 $1,286 129 $797
16 Waseca 3,064 $1,117 550 $759
17 Faribault County 6,255 $617 353 $401
18 Albert Lea 6,504 $746 1,175 $507
19 Owatonna 8,152 $1,242 1,507 $844
20 Blue Earth County 17,803 $1,083 3,483 $714

Albert Lea, MN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Walnut Lake 96 $1,817 11 $2,216
2 Nunda 110 $1,189 21 $1,367
3 London 111 $907 10 $1,160
4 Freeborn 115 $1,101 24 $1,398
5 Bricelyn 119 $266 34 $332
6 Richland 121 $2,005 37 $2,466
7 Clarks Grove 166 $695 59 $875
8 Blooming Grove 174 $2,269 15 $2,836
9 Iosco 178 $2,460 23 $3,025
10 Elmore 215 $420 46 $533
11 Rudd 238 $668 74 $814
12 Stacyville 275 $715 41 $893
13 New Richland 332 $651 79 $761
14 Kalmar 389 $2,381 38 $2,857
15 Bancroft 409 $1,125 34 $1,395
16 Blooming Prairie 619 $846 133 $1,049
17 Lake Mills 709 $852 232 $1,013
18 Albert Lea 5643 $718 2400 $897
19 Freeborn County 10221 $917 3076 $1,091
20 Mower County 11702 $907 4288 $1,179