
Remarkable Blue Earth County, MN Homeowners Insurance Metrics

These remarkable metrics about Blue Earth County, MN homeowners insurance will make you smarter about getting a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Blue Earth County, MN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Pilot Grove 2 bedroom 13 $742
2 Center Creek 4 bedroom 16 $1,800
3 Scarville 2 bedroom 20 $456
4 Easton 4 bedroom 23 $1,430
5 Selma 4 bedroom 24 $1,800
6 Linden 2 bedroom 25 $1,100
7 Hanska 4 bedroom 26 $1,283
8 Kelso 2 bedroom 28 $1,003
9 Dolliver 3 bedroom 29 $778
10 Iosco 2 bedroom 48 $1,186
11 Nashville 3 bedroom 52 $1,332
12 Burnstown 3 bedroom 53 $1,781
13 Good Thunder 4 bedroom 56 $1,800
14 Berlin 2 bedroom 57 $1,153
15 McPherson 3 bedroom 74 $1,593
16 Henderson 2 bedroom 106 $1,035
17 Wheatland 4 bedroom 137 $2,700
18 Washington 2 bedroom 138 $1,787
19 Mountain Lake 4 bedroom 178 $1,196
20 Blue Earth County 3 bedroom 8835 $1,556

Blue Earth County, MN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Sigel 10 $1,048 74 $1,402
2 Rolling Green 10 $866 41 $1,157
3 Alfsborg 10 $1,133 67 $1,514
4 New Sweden 11 $1,195 52 $1,598
5 Butterfield 13 $407 113 $544
6 Green Isle 14 $1,916 123 $2,562
7 Comfrey 14 $554 61 $741
8 Rutland 16 $1,123 80 $1,501
9 Henderson 24 $925 176 $1,237
10 Blooming Grove 27 $1,987 59 $2,657
11 Mapleton 34 $981 321 $1,312
12 Milford 36 $1,706 79 $2,282
13 Rapidan 38 $1,611 177 $2,155
14 Springfield 61 $556 362 $744
15 Webster 69 $2,172 143 $2,904
16 Janesville 124 $1,054 227 $1,409
17 St. James 140 $593 476 $793
18 Owatonna 1674 $1,025 1962 $1,370
19 Blue Earth County 4481 $1,331 6458 $1,779
20 Rice County 4809 $1,372 5023 $1,835

Blue Earth County, MN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Trimont 273 $500 33 $355
2 Elmore 283 $312 18 $224
3 Alden 296 $803 10 $554
4 Nicollet 356 $1,095 25 $711
5 Truman 439 $678 63 $528
6 Medford 456 $1,421 17 $1,008
7 Winnebago 572 $478 39 $344
8 Mapleton 592 $877 37 $648
9 Gaylord 742 $735 119 $588
10 Janesville 770 $1,151 46 $828
11 St. James 1,467 $639 210 $479
12 Jordan 1,529 $1,959 66 $1,371
13 New Prague 2,582 $1,565 197 $1,252
14 Waseca 3,064 $816 550 $612
15 New Ulm 4,503 $850 705 $569
16 Sibley County 5,687 $1,367 313 $970
17 Owatonna 8,152 $1,118 1,507 $894
18 Le Sueur County 10,871 $1,321 629 $964
19 Freeborn County 11,818 $722 1,235 $577
20 Blue Earth County 17,803 $1,439 3,483 $1,108

Blue Earth County, MN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Prescott 77 $1,237 10 $1,459
2 Walnut Lake 96 $1,533 11 $1,931
3 Branch 100 $977 20 $1,231
4 Nunda 110 $1,363 21 $1,744
5 Stark 157 $1,400 11 $1,638
6 Hamburg 171 $1,494 54 $1,718
7 Derrynane 171 $2,490 15 $2,988
8 West Newton 173 $1,558 13 $2,025
9 Good Thunder 197 $799 40 $1,014
10 Thompson 199 $393 82 $510
11 Lafayette 209 $1,714 36 $2,176
12 Judson 213 $1,394 15 $1,630
13 Sharon 267 $1,809 20 $2,188
14 Walcott 344 $1,696 32 $2,035
15 South Bend 425 $1,194 163 $1,540
16 Winthrop 449 $899 156 $1,105
17 Gaylord 621 $888 292 $1,110
18 New Ulm 4319 $813 1451 $967
19 Le Sueur County 9076 $1,504 1916 $1,925
20 Blue Earth County 16145 $1,293 8114 $1,616