
Whitefield, MN Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Whitefield, MN homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Whitefield, MN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Swedes Forest 4 bedroom 11 $2,025
2 Cairo 2 bedroom 14 $761
3 Lucan 1 bedroom 15 $468
4 Lake Henry 5 or more bedrooms 18 $2,860
5 Louriston 3 bedroom 21 $1,312
6 Elrosa 3 bedroom 21 $1,218
7 Lake Lillian 2 bedroom 26 $587
8 Getty 5 or more bedrooms 27 $3,915
9 Wood Lake 4 bedroom 34 $1,072
10 Osceola 3 bedroom 43 $1,267
11 Henryville 4 bedroom 44 $1,743
12 New Auburn 4 bedroom 54 $921
13 Grafton 3 bedroom 55 $1,430
14 Hancock 4 bedroom 63 $1,430
15 Whitefield 3 bedroom 74 $1,481
16 Winsted 1 bedroom 101 $726
17 Buffalo Lake 2 bedroom 108 $560
18 Watkins 2 bedroom 174 $673
19 Appleton 2 bedroom 310 $612
20 Granite Falls 2 bedroom 345 $577

Whitefield, MN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Melrose 10 $813 205 $1,003
2 Litchfield 10 $815 508 $1,006
3 West Newton 11 $1,249 18 $1,541
4 Green Lake 11 $1,677 170 $2,069
5 Yellow Medicine County 11 $819 767 $1,010
6 Willmar 14 $876 1758 $1,081
7 Glenwood 15 $590 356 $729
8 Redwood County 19 $716 1282 $884
9 Pope County 21 $1,030 1071 $1,271
10 Meeker County 23 $910 1692 $1,123
11 Annandale 31 $945 338 $1,166
12 Kandiyohi County 47 $1,081 3994 $1,334
13 Stearns County 137 $953 10104 $1,176

Whitefield, MN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Lucan 75 $320 13 $227
2 Leenthrop 85 $1,030 10 $824
3 Hanley Falls 102 $573 12 $429
4 Cosmos 251 $498 21 $353
5 Brooten 269 $813 14 $487
6 Eden Valley 287 $673 63 $450
7 Silver Lake 323 $1,184 35 $722
8 Clarkfield 380 $410 38 $328
9 Morgan 402 $631 39 $498
10 Clara City 457 $620 81 $471
11 Fairfax 468 $638 43 $497
12 Appleton 586 $518 133 $383
13 Albany 818 $1,320 181 $963
14 Paynesville 874 $992 160 $744
15 Glencoe 1,641 $1,236 274 $902
16 Litchfield 2,065 $995 267 $646
17 Yellow Medicine County 4,245 $645 243 $432
18 Meeker County 8,754 $1,501 421 $975
19 McLeod County 12,325 $1,127 1,719 $777
20 Stearns County 46,521 $1,166 10,020 $932

Whitefield, MN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dublin 47 $1,268 16 $1,458
2 Three Lakes 49 $1,096 13 $1,380
3 Tyro 51 $1,140 10 $1,436
4 East Lake Lillian 61 $1,607 12 $2,008
5 Grafton 83 $1,264 18 $1,516
6 Severance 85 $1,058 13 $1,354
7 Cornish 93 $1,143 14 $1,314
8 Big Bend 100 $594 12 $724
9 Torning 118 $1,407 12 $1,772
10 Mamre 119 $1,682 13 $2,052
11 Whitefield 152 $1,554 18 $1,802
12 Burbank 173 $1,462 10 $1,769
13 Harrison 246 $2,477 30 $2,922
14 Eden Valley 252 $692 160 $892
15 Rich Valley 269 $1,464 14 $1,742
16 Cottonwood 310 $1,115 132 $1,326
17 Clara City 339 $571 179 $696
18 Irving 364 $2,053 35 $2,525
19 Renville 379 $436 197 $505
20 Wakefield 883 $2,417 63 $2,924