
Carlton, MI Homeowners Insurance Outstanding Info

Get this outstanding information about Carlton, MI homeowners insurance to get the cheapest quotes and save a fortune

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Carlton, MI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Lakeview 1 bedroom 73 $393
2 Hubbardston 3 bedroom 81 $663
3 Carlton 4 bedroom 137 $1,031
4 Edgemont Park 1 bedroom 192 $411
5 Lawton 3 bedroom 280 $825
6 Grattan 2 bedroom 281 $577
7 Douglass 2 bedroom 378 $573
8 Brownlee Park 2 bedroom 381 $337
9 Boston 4 bedroom 434 $1,012
10 Prairie Ronde 3 bedroom 453 $910
11 Belding 1 bedroom 483 $281
12 Overisel 3 bedroom 484 $605
13 Gun Plain 4 bedroom 492 $1,057
14 Ingham 3 bedroom 504 $1,125
15 Wayland 2 bedroom 516 $367
16 Lyons 3 bedroom 626 $728
17 Park 2 bedroom 1474 $687
18 Walker 1 bedroom 2172 $490
19 Holt 2 bedroom 2409 $687
20 Kentwood 4 bedroom 3279 $806

Carlton, MI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Delton 27 $523 106 $639
2 Day 56 $429 31 $524
3 Essex 62 $699 31 $854
4 Westphalia 79 $730 109 $891
5 Keene 107 $805 46 $983
6 Mendon 116 $568 137 $693
7 Carlton 154 $473 75 $577
8 Crystal 181 $553 199 $676
9 Grandville 221 $682 962 $833
10 Pennfield charter 240 $415 705 $507
11 Pierson 261 $578 142 $706
12 Ionia 274 $378 148 $461
13 Zeeland charter 940 $811 234 $991
14 Grand Rapids charter 1341 $1,144 829 $1,397
15 Battle Creek 1386 $383 2484 $468
16 Portage 2074 $702 3974 $857
17 Holt 2565 $553 1227 $676
18 Delhi charter 2633 $660 1257 $806
19 Holland charter 2786 $548 1009 $669
20 Eaton County 5276 $686 5535 $838

Carlton, MI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Maple Rapids 191 $449 17 $359
2 Stanton 404 $501 66 $350
3 Fowler 408 $720 25 $475
4 Dimondale 415 $628 37 $477
5 Lawton 568 $521 71 $411
6 Springport 744 $581 26 $360
7 Lyons 1,054 $355 35 $262
8 Zeeland 1,390 $754 347 $497
9 Oneida charter 1,439 $803 41 $546
10 Lowell charter 1,869 $899 101 $683
11 Richland 2,338 $923 97 $618
12 Bath charter 3,092 $838 1,074 $527
13 Grandville 4,619 $768 991 $576
14 Okemos 6,117 $1,155 2,246 $808
15 Park 6,579 $1,172 76 $890
16 Delhi charter 7,706 $793 1,051 $515
17 Forest Hills 8,972 $1,214 124 $825
18 Georgetown charter 14,746 $634 1,652 $450
19 Battle Creek 17,264 $531 3,617 $334
20 Kalamazoo 18,005 $509 7,675 $391

Carlton, MI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Keene 483 $752 70 $887
2 Galesburg 517 $431 227 $504
3 Sheridan 590 $581 134 $714
4 Sumner 616 $505 123 $626
5 Bath 729 $673 81 $841
6 Climax 769 $579 118 $746
7 Carlton 790 $601 82 $757
8 Crystal 815 $612 209 $795
9 Concord 893 $683 95 $826
10 Alaiedon 916 $1,051 190 $1,366
11 Easton 1009 $488 137 $595
12 Rutland charter 1207 $710 168 $866
13 Level Park-Oak Park 1278 $549 181 $686
14 Grattan 1348 $1,366 58 $1,762
15 Belding 1350 $381 912 $461
16 Crockery 1414 $770 230 $916
17 Comstock Park 1975 $569 2288 $671
18 Tallmadge charter 2320 $838 358 $1,072
19 Gaines charter 6848 $728 2512 $917
20 Clinton County 23281 $732 5361 $944