
Incredible Vernon, MI Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Vernon, MI homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Vernon, MI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Hubbardston 2 bedroom 37 $495
2 Ingham 2 bedroom 77 $577
3 Antrim 4 bedroom 187 $1,327
4 Wheatfield 4 bedroom 200 $1,292
5 Beecher 4 bedroom 425 $652
6 Imlay City 2 bedroom 434 $652
7 Northfield 4 bedroom 523 $1,430
8 Williamstown 4 bedroom 541 $1,622
9 Vernon 1 bedroom 553 $358
10 Swan Creek 3 bedroom 595 $756
11 Monitor charter 4 bedroom 612 $1,147
12 Clayton charter 4 bedroom 619 $1,057
13 Venice 3 bedroom 658 $910
14 Lima 3 bedroom 713 $1,595
15 Cohoctah 3 bedroom 717 $825
16 Tittabawassee 3 bedroom 1670 $796
17 Marion 3 bedroom 1903 $1,087
18 Genoa 3 bedroom 3428 $1,125
19 Orion charter 4 bedroom 4096 $1,332
20 Delta charter 3 bedroom 5689 $780

Vernon, MI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Arcada 49 $486 92 $567
2 Dallas 76 $662 66 $772
3 Otisville 88 $258 15 $301
4 Ingersoll 99 $682 239 $795
5 Vernon 176 $647 519 $754
6 Sylvan 183 $1,071 227 $1,249
7 Burns 209 $638 223 $744
8 Waterloo 233 $655 211 $763
9 Perry 237 $507 344 $591
10 Deerfield 308 $555 659 $647
11 Rose 325 $931 595 $1,085
12 Dexter 477 $1,297 453 $1,512
13 Leoni 610 $493 786 $574
14 Monitor charter 719 $597 787 $696
15 Wixom 735 $983 2333 $1,146
16 DeWitt charter 913 $643 957 $750
17 Delta charter 1388 $777 3525 $906
18 Washington 2516 $934 1089 $1,089
19 Holt 2565 $831 1512 $969
20 Ingham County 10850 $578 20041 $674

Vernon, MI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Laingsburg 413 $621 30 $416
2 Bingham Farms 466 $1,588 16 $1,032
3 Wheeler 1,002 $443 34 $296
4 North Branch 1,198 $679 52 $509
5 Stockbridge 1,355 $785 40 $541
6 Ann Arbor charter 1,357 $1,966 284 $1,474
7 Marathon 1,636 $506 14 $389
8 Forest 1,764 $557 11 $367
9 Birch Run 2,055 $551 81 $358
10 Windsor charter 2,240 $680 37 $414
11 Plymouth 2,752 $835 538 $534
12 Charlotte 2,931 $661 318 $423
13 Buena Vista charter 3,195 $288 164 $207
14 South Lyon 3,522 $852 677 $587
15 Leoni 5,136 $602 162 $373
16 Mundy 5,383 $650 370 $416
17 Oxford charter 5,976 $671 682 $523
18 White Lake charter 10,117 $1,056 300 $654
19 Bay City 12,154 $331 1,120 $258
20 Novi 14,906 $1,261 4,463 $807

Vernon, MI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Leonard 127 $696 51 $814
2 Henderson 133 $706 26 $882
3 Middletown 233 $492 80 $624
4 North Star 351 $531 22 $653
5 Locke 550 $733 40 $916
6 Juniata 579 $422 81 $502
7 Pinckney 751 $783 168 $931
8 Imlay City 772 $450 620 $562
9 Alaiedon 916 $1,070 190 $1,358
10 Vernon 1632 $489 228 $611
11 Thetford 2220 $453 371 $552
12 Gaines 2333 $816 97 $946
13 Mayfield 2738 $623 348 $753
14 Clawson 3665 $625 1604 $787
15 Vienna charter 4063 $509 944 $615
16 Mundy 4916 $685 1119 $883
17 Highland charter 6360 $1,088 615 $1,360
18 Waverly 6370 $820 4947 $943
19 Holt 7015 $674 2403 $835
20 Independence charter 10700 $838 2252 $1,030