
Raisin, MI Homeowners Insurance Remarkable Stats

These remarkable stats about Raisin, MI homeowners insurance, can save you a bundle on your insurance costs.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Raisin, MI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Harding 2 bedroom 62 $666
2 Haskins 2 bedroom 67 $783
3 Monroe 4 bedroom 120 $675
4 Ridgeway 4 bedroom 138 $1,102
5 Norvell 4 bedroom 208 $900
6 West Unity 2 bedroom 220 $525
7 Raisin 2 bedroom 298 $562
8 Milan 4 bedroom 442 $1,125
9 Tompkins 3 bedroom 577 $825
10 Brighton 2 bedroom 678 $687
11 Sandstone 3 bedroom 890 $783
12 Ida 3 bedroom 1130 $1,012
13 Napoleon 3 bedroom 1547 $787
14 Lincoln Park 1 bedroom 1654 $362
15 Henry County 2 bedroom 2673 $428
16 Pittsfield charter 3 bedroom 3670 $1,031
17 Dearborn Heights 3 bedroom 14202 $517
18 Toledo 1 bedroom 17489 $356
19 Lucas County 4 bedroom 30318 $1,125
20 Wayne County 2 bedroom 209648 $663

Raisin, MI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 River Rouge 12 $249 368 $322
2 Carroll 12 $521 53 $674
3 Gorham 13 $395 132 $511
4 Brownstown charter 13 $733 544 $948
5 Raisin 15 $717 229 $927
6 Williams County 15 $505 1726 $653
7 Quincy 17 $487 146 $629
8 Dearborn 19 $433 2554 $560
9 Huron charter 21 $688 439 $889
10 Webster 23 $1,274 188 $1,647
11 Blackman charter 29 $457 1035 $591
12 Commerce charter 30 $998 1430 $1,290
13 Frenchtown 32 $522 897 $675
14 Fulton County 36 $560 1619 $723
15 Milford charter 50 $987 565 $1,276
16 Livingston County 72 $783 5176 $1,012
17 Perrysburg 86 $823 761 $1,064
18 Lyon charter 121 $1,105 499 $1,428
19 Wood County 134 $690 5104 $892
20 Lucas County 216 $390 24313 $504

Raisin, MI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Onsted 324 $595 23 $404
2 Petersburg 409 $508 13 $396
3 Luna Pier 565 $605 86 $447
4 Walbridge 828 $388 23 $275
5 Swanton 1,162 $710 56 $468
6 Cambria 1,200 $651 15 $449
7 Montpelier 1,306 $290 102 $197
8 Stockbridge 1,355 $649 40 $389
9 Milan 1,968 $562 257 $387
10 Rossford 2,146 $567 329 $340
11 Howell 2,207 $723 1,011 $498
12 Grosse Ile 3,722 $1,125 113 $675
13 Wayne 5,494 $417 1,453 $325
14 Monroe 6,636 $572 951 $411
15 Brownstown charter 8,554 $953 1,114 $752
16 Ypsilanti charter 14,447 $497 4,238 $318
17 Dearborn Heights 20,279 $394 565 $291
18 Wood County 36,886 $701 5,819 $434
19 Lucas County 144,841 $537 23,949 $359
20 Wayne County 619,243 $543 92,161 $358

Raisin, MI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Tedrow 44 $443 27 $549
2 Ridgeville Corners 102 $557 32 $679
3 Neapolis 152 $553 52 $635
4 Hamler 203 $497 44 $576
5 Holgate 368 $334 106 $397
6 Flatrock 379 $425 82 $501
7 Stony Point 475 $479 179 $613
8 Fairfield 511 $543 87 $684
9 Sheridan 590 $541 134 $692
10 Detroit Beach 623 $418 189 $493
11 Fulton 1035 $606 157 $696
12 Lima 1217 $1,381 46 $1,726
13 Michigan Center 1535 $658 429 $842
14 Dexter 1819 $1,109 272 $1,430
15 Howell 2090 $696 1815 $849
16 Raisin 2260 $794 195 $952
17 Ypsilanti 2677 $711 5001 $874
18 Oceola 3905 $799 353 $950
19 Wyandotte 7916 $579 2749 $671
20 Williams County 11228 $531 3805 $669