
Spectacular Grand Ledge, MI Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Grand Ledge, MI homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Grand Ledge, MI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Oakley 2 bedroom 43 $262
2 Bancroft 4 bedroom 46 $993
3 Delton 4 bedroom 57 $956
4 Bethany 2 bedroom 100 $663
5 Brookfield 4 bedroom 122 $750
6 Oneida charter 2 bedroom 139 $783
7 Home 4 bedroom 168 $812
8 Antrim 4 bedroom 187 $910
9 Burlington 2 bedroom 225 $420
10 Sheridan 2 bedroom 252 $472
11 Clarence 2 bedroom 262 $455
12 Bloomer 3 bedroom 366 $926
13 Marengo 3 bedroom 433 $861
14 Grand Ledge 1 bedroom 450 $472
15 Parma 3 bedroom 589 $596
16 Belding 2 bedroom 604 $463
17 Eaton 3 bedroom 1008 $715
18 Lansing charter 3 bedroom 1504 $517
19 Gratiot County 4 bedroom 2459 $812
20 Kent County 2 bedroom 63592 $618

Grand Ledge, MI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Oakley 12 $309 32 $392
2 Ashley 13 $424 79 $537
3 Wacousta 30 $926 86 $1,173
4 Chapin 59 $450 83 $571
5 Tekonsha 76 $385 239 $488
6 Galesburg 93 $322 274 $408
7 Alaiedon 100 $912 194 $1,156
8 St. Louis 104 $290 450 $367
9 Dallas 107 $867 370 $1,098
10 Burlington 122 $481 282 $609
11 Sheridan 123 $488 212 $618
12 Springfield 134 $276 323 $350
13 Seville 166 $375 188 $475
14 Greenville 192 $449 981 $569
15 Grand Ledge 443 $529 933 $670
16 Jackson 459 $320 8038 $406
17 Thornapple 702 $785 284 $995
18 Blackman charter 1294 $439 606 $556
19 Cannon 1474 $896 284 $1,136
20 Genoa 2258 $965 388 $1,223

Grand Ledge, MI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Stanton 404 $384 66 $264
2 Litchfield 407 $433 10 $324
3 Fowler 408 $820 25 $565
4 Galesburg 469 $473 18 $307
5 Potterville 725 $469 126 $328
6 Springport 744 $469 26 $295
7 Sunfield 776 $658 19 $454
8 Duplain 819 $655 15 $399
9 Home 915 $358 47 $282
10 Ovid 1,196 $715 33 $521
11 Barry 1,375 $598 29 $454
12 Vandercook Lake 1,752 $427 22 $260
13 Howell 2,207 $723 1,011 $491
14 Grand Ledge 2,404 $541 465 $330
15 Caledonia 3,926 $1,017 228 $813
16 Blackman charter 5,360 $567 2,177 $402
17 Byron 6,036 $862 348 $568
18 Hamburg 8,115 $1,090 15 $784
19 Clinton County 24,783 $859 2,091 $618
20 Grand Rapids 52,390 $592 10,944 $372

Grand Ledge, MI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dansville 141 $591 23 $756
2 Lennon 156 $432 36 $514
3 Delton 358 $461 89 $585
4 Fowler 359 $763 86 $915
5 Day 382 $459 67 $569
6 Bushnell 552 $342 45 $437
7 Durand 889 $417 503 $537
8 Evergreen 962 $552 243 $712
9 Danby 993 $685 62 $801
10 Springfield 1060 $326 1057 $420
11 Wayland 1066 $546 514 $709
12 Montcalm 1075 $573 65 $670
13 Level Park-Oak Park 1278 $549 181 $664
14 Vandercook Lake 1501 $507 286 $623
15 Watertown charter 1862 $1,001 81 $1,271
16 Grand Ledge 2164 $657 1197 $814
17 Gaines 2333 $567 97 $657
18 Emmett charter 3363 $498 1095 $627
19 East Grand Rapids 3537 $1,190 343 $1,428
20 Owosso 4025 $459 2216 $527