
Remarkable Kingsford, MI Homeowners Insurance Metrics

These remarkable metrics about Kingsford, MI homeowners insurance will make you smarter about getting a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Kingsford, MI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Townsend 3 bedroom 27 $1,050
2 Piehl 2 bedroom 36 $811
3 Alpha 2 bedroom 39 $375
4 Newald 2 bedroom 40 $300
5 Breen 2 bedroom 88 $663
6 Ross 2 bedroom 93 $481
7 Cornell 3 bedroom 134 $763
8 Holmes 3 bedroom 138 $742
9 Daggett 2 bedroom 144 $437
10 Silver Cliff 1 bedroom 164 $507
11 Fence 2 bedroom 231 $540
12 Niagara 2 bedroom 248 $490
13 Doty 2 bedroom 255 $877
14 Athelstane 3 bedroom 313 $701
15 Beaver 3 bedroom 340 $910
16 Middle Inlet 2 bedroom 343 $350
17 Pembine 2 bedroom 396 $437
18 Norway 3 bedroom 612 $596
19 Kingsford 3 bedroom 937 $551
20 Iron County 2 bedroom 2917 $250

Kingsford, MI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Mansfield 13 $362 20 $482
2 Norway 19 $247 181 $330
3 Daggett 19 $435 32 $579
4 Ewing 31 $431 15 $574
5 Caspian 36 $329 52 $438
6 Armstrong Creek 40 $343 47 $457
7 Mastodon 54 $448 62 $597
8 Kingsford 70 $296 275 $395
9 Nadeau 72 $342 88 $456
10 Stambaugh 84 $609 116 $810
11 Ely 101 $474 91 $631
12 Wagner 111 $592 18 $789
13 Wabeno 124 $403 104 $537
14 Ford River 140 $571 69 $760
15 Lakewood 194 $651 124 $867
16 Riverview 270 $651 70 $867
17 Breitung charter 278 $466 270 $621
18 Three Lakes 488 $660 191 $879
19 Florence County 634 $533 244 $709
20 Stephenson 769 $600 325 $800

Kingsford, MI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Powers 109 $305 27 $198
2 Mole Lake 176 $262 55 $201
3 Stephenson 352 $392 18 $286
4 Crivitz 440 $603 52 $379
5 Caspian 465 $315 29 $239
6 Meyer 468 $469 20 $375
7 Goodman 611 $367 62 $293
8 Crandon 679 $545 79 $419
9 Ingallston 679 $910 11 $591
10 Niagara 707 $352 51 $281
11 Spalding 810 $373 27 $227
12 Nashville 1,094 $701 77 $546
13 Norway 1,130 $280 58 $196
14 Florence 1,459 $720 45 $468
15 Kingsford 1,984 $342 138 $242
16 Florence County 3,880 $617 62 $431
17 Escanaba 4,141 $406 577 $259
18 Iron County 8,023 $337 223 $266
19 Dickinson County 11,881 $461 433 $322
20 Marinette County 22,731 $626 1,143 $381

Kingsford, MI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Carney 76 $472 13 $556
2 Powers 97 $328 62 $400
3 Amasa 151 $217 21 $282
4 Hematite 164 $318 21 $378
5 Dunbar 203 $548 81 $630
6 Wabeno 310 $373 157 $466
7 Beecher 316 $523 73 $627
8 Meyer 357 $329 50 $404
9 Middle Inlet 385 $482 16 $563
10 Bates 388 $675 29 $870
11 Tilden 435 $412 19 $527
12 Stambaugh 443 $673 13 $868
13 Sagola 471 $560 61 $705
14 Niagara 553 $303 160 $351
15 Norway 906 $319 263 $414
16 Iron River 1132 $306 368 $370
17 Wells 1739 $535 174 $684
18 Kingsford 1798 $398 587 $509
19 Escanaba 3527 $356 2235 $445
20 Marinette County 14622 $518 4233 $611