
Incredible Carmel, ME Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Carmel, ME homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Carmel, ME & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Central Hancock 1 bedroom 27 $343
2 Aurora 3 bedroom 28 $937
3 Exeter 2 bedroom 113 $506
4 Starks 3 bedroom 114 $585
5 Sullivan 4 bedroom 131 $1,375
6 Thorndike 2 bedroom 133 $463
7 Levant 4 bedroom 139 $1,106
8 Garland 3 bedroom 173 $783
9 Thomaston 1 bedroom 184 $585
10 Lake View 3 bedroom 200 $1,885
11 Milo 4 bedroom 234 $796
12 Palmyra 2 bedroom 234 $618
13 Carmel 2 bedroom 369 $728
14 Camden 4 bedroom 577 $1,430
15 Hampden 4 bedroom 637 $1,237
16 Hancock 3 bedroom 654 $750
17 Sidney 3 bedroom 872 $922
18 Brewer 2 bedroom 1320 $893
19 Waterville 1 bedroom 1649 $525
20 Bangor 2 bedroom 4923 $517

Carmel, ME Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Winslow 10 $701 871 $992
2 Mount Desert 10 $1,779 735 $2,518
3 Orono 10 $778 665 $1,102
4 Frankfort 11 $401 114 $568
5 Solon 12 $572 157 $810
6 Trenton 13 $912 133 $1,291
7 Palermo 14 $722 124 $1,022
8 Orland 14 $687 281 $972
9 Dexter 15 $446 715 $631
10 Camden 16 $1,005 1245 $1,422
11 Searsport 16 $775 231 $1,097
12 Searsmont 21 $648 126 $918
13 Hermon 29 $770 241 $1,090
14 Sidney 34 $741 232 $1,049
15 Bangor 36 $654 5867 $925
16 Ellsworth 44 $779 696 $1,103
17 Waldo County 80 $773 5467 $1,095
18 Hancock County 112 $735 10440 $1,040
19 Kennebec County 143 $598 17439 $847
20 Penobscot County 151 $566 18121 $801

Carmel, ME home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Newburgh 527 $834 22 $625
2 Guilford 543 $423 56 $253
3 Veazie 634 $953 66 $762
4 Corinna 759 $585 28 $421
5 Milford 805 $631 55 $473
6 Trenton 826 $1,088 12 $848
7 Milo 987 $427 44 $328
8 Thomaston 1,001 $860 67 $593
9 Clinton 1,042 $538 10 $338
10 Hancock 1,167 $880 10 $528
11 Newport 1,178 $709 81 $510
12 Pittsfield 1,190 $487 56 $316
13 Rockport 1,584 $1,460 71 $1,109
14 Madison 1,641 $447 22 $290
15 China 1,737 $888 22 $586
16 Belfast 1,980 $894 111 $625
17 Fairfield 2,326 $598 108 $406
18 Waldo County 16,339 $811 336 $648
19 Hancock County 33,006 $920 1,017 $588
20 Penobscot County 48,018 $565 3,326 $440

Carmel, ME home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Starks 167 $385 24 $450
2 Freedom 205 $567 31 $708
3 Abbot 224 $531 58 $658
4 Monson 233 $456 46 $551
5 Liberty 264 $851 53 $1,055
6 Bingham 312 $430 154 $554
7 Surry 575 $1,013 159 $1,195
8 Hartland 585 $552 135 $656
9 Lamoine 601 $1,252 151 $1,590
10 Hancock 791 $637 203 $783
11 Windsor 904 $661 206 $839
12 Carmel 938 $780 166 $998
13 Newport 1022 $661 428 $799
14 Norridgewock 1280 $570 150 $695
15 Bar Harbor 1314 $1,274 1025 $1,503
16 Glenburn 1354 $847 326 $1,041
17 Bucksport 1436 $528 523 $638
18 Madison 1485 $559 439 $687
19 Skowhegan 2146 $487 1507 $594
20 Augusta 4916 $762 4120 $922