
Fryeburg, ME Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Fryeburg, ME homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Fryeburg, ME & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Upton 2 bedroom 60 $472
2 Guildhall 3 bedroom 69 $1,282
3 Randolph 4 bedroom 100 $1,912
4 Center Harbor 4 bedroom 114 $1,612
5 Weld 3 bedroom 137 $893
6 Otisfield 4 bedroom 148 $922
7 Jefferson 2 bedroom 163 $1,068
8 Waterville Valley 3 bedroom 280 $1,100
9 South Paris 2 bedroom 353 $517
10 Waterford 3 bedroom 417 $975
11 North Berwick 2 bedroom 577 $993
12 Fryeburg 2 bedroom 676 $687
13 Gilford 4 bedroom 734 $1,837
14 Acton 2 bedroom 773 $812
15 Cumberland 4 bedroom 809 $2,385
16 Sabattus 3 bedroom 966 $528
17 Casco 3 bedroom 1002 $910
18 Turner 3 bedroom 1229 $910
19 Auburn 2 bedroom 3411 $607
20 Coos County 2 bedroom 6729 $783

Fryeburg, ME Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Upton 11 $541 31 $690
2 Oxford 57 $673 50 $859
3 Long Island 59 $1,447 16 $1,846
4 Berlin 92 $343 912 $438
5 West Paris 92 $577 21 $736
6 Rumford 99 $440 545 $562
7 Waterford 99 $800 40 $1,022
8 Fryeburg 107 $649 128 $829
9 Livermore 118 $692 114 $883
10 Newfield 150 $912 53 $1,164
11 Freedom 161 $1,122 92 $1,432
12 Greene 219 $621 93 $793
13 Sebago 238 $647 132 $826
14 Alfred 282 $782 27 $999
15 Bristol 335 $790 361 $1,008
16 Arundel 351 $857 108 $1,094
17 Tuftonboro 372 $1,286 343 $1,641
18 Poland 422 $1,002 156 $1,279
19 Wakefield 460 $786 292 $1,003
20 Gray 520 $873 331 $1,114

Fryeburg, ME home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Lisbon 560 $580 27 $371
2 Hebron 584 $1,248 10 $798
3 South Paris 726 $660 163 $396
4 Effingham 788 $733 31 $505
5 Fryeburg 1,277 $771 20 $547
6 Paris 1,492 $691 172 $476
7 Bethel 1,573 $976 30 $673
8 Thornton 1,600 $1,214 13 $898
9 Belmont 2,396 $1,027 55 $647
10 Buxton 2,617 $1,163 24 $907
11 Cumberland 2,633 $1,873 15 $1,217
12 Freeport 2,993 $1,251 63 $838
13 Westbrook 4,341 $827 805 $504
14 Gorham 4,879 $1,236 137 $976
15 Brunswick 5,519 $1,046 676 $815
16 Saco 5,535 $1,014 582 $679
17 South Portland 6,948 $1,184 1,726 $935
18 Lewiston 7,576 $658 1,478 $480
19 Grafton County 36,928 $1,000 2,739 $620
20 Cumberland County 95,585 $1,414 11,528 $961

Fryeburg, ME home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Suissevale 39 $2,325 11 $2,836
2 Union 93 $964 28 $1,243
3 Center Ossipee 137 $756 30 $952
4 Dummer 162 $963 23 $1,117
5 Randolph 175 $1,351 22 $1,553
6 Stark 216 $606 47 $733
7 Woodstock 411 $1,173 109 $1,454
8 Woodstock 440 $844 83 $1,038
9 Ashland 441 $970 290 $1,212
10 Brownfield 450 $904 75 $1,075
11 Bridgewater 477 $1,598 64 $2,013
12 Baldwin 551 $665 45 $824
13 Dayton 692 $1,291 101 $1,523
14 Bethel 802 $1,041 179 $1,228
15 Thornton 814 $988 151 $1,136
16 Tuftonboro 907 $988 134 $1,205
17 Fryeburg 931 $843 270 $1,095
18 Limington 1204 $1,018 145 $1,170
19 Lisbon Falls 1251 $808 574 $977
20 Milton 1445 $829 215 $1,019