
Fairmount Heights, MD Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Fairmount Heights, MD homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Fairmount Heights, MD & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Potomac Heights 4 bedroom 58 $922
2 Brookeville 4 bedroom 60 $4,500
3 Aquasco 2 bedroom 91 $1,350
4 Chevy Chase Section Three 5 or more bedrooms 92 $6,000
5 Somerset 5 or more bedrooms 154 $5,400
6 Fairmount Heights 3 bedroom 220 $1,080
7 Belmont 3 bedroom 528 $3,120
8 Forest Glen 1 bedroom 642 $990
9 Triangle 4 bedroom 739 $2,915
10 Seat Pleasant 3 bedroom 763 $922
11 Silver Hill 2 bedroom 903 $797
12 Peppermill Village 3 bedroom 983 $1,125
13 Lake Arbor 4 bedroom 1199 $1,890
14 Mays Chapel 4 bedroom 1214 $2,025
15 Mount Airy 4 bedroom 1251 $2,212
16 Parole 4 bedroom 1397 $2,860
17 Beltsville 3 bedroom 1811 $1,512
18 Fair Oaks 1 bedroom 2717 $1,012
19 Anne Arundel County 2 bedroom 45443 $1,215
20 Fairfax County 3 bedroom 118886 $1,592

Fairmount Heights, MD Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Round Hill 24 $1,913 10 $2,414
2 Leonardtown 96 $2,046 127 $2,582
3 Kensington 116 $1,736 385 $2,190
4 Crownsville 129 $2,355 35 $2,971
5 Fairmount Heights 153 $867 73 $1,094
6 East Riverdale 163 $1,344 1007 $1,696
7 Riva 365 $2,674 133 $3,375
8 Huntington 401 $1,337 887 $1,687
9 Arbutus 487 $1,108 1327 $1,399
10 Dundalk 749 $911 5629 $1,149
11 Lochearn 756 $1,045 940 $1,319
12 Aspen Hill 1316 $2,058 259 $2,596
13 Travilah 1351 $3,915 68 $4,940
14 Marlboro Village 2433 $1,584 103 $1,999
15 Garrisonville 2934 $1,581 59 $1,995
16 Severn 3078 $1,799 278 $2,270
17 Springfield 4223 $2,891 202 $3,648
18 Mount Vernon 4300 $1,944 2031 $2,453
19 Baltimore 9613 $847 44217 $1,068
20 Sully 19360 $2,023 233 $2,553

Fairmount Heights, MD home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Cottage City 357 $1,021 147 $622
2 Landover Hills 509 $962 26 $769
3 Derwood 645 $3,131 51 $2,254
4 Rock Hall 703 $1,233 44 $776
5 Brentwood 724 $1,064 112 $638
6 Bladensburg 790 $1,266 2,638 $1,012
7 Silver Hill 1,014 $1,251 1,461 $963
8 Centreville 1,487 $1,490 51 $1,057
9 Langley Park 1,488 $1,372 2,050 $1,083
10 Garrison 1,993 $1,332 816 $812
11 McNair 2,627 $1,502 4,475 $916
12 Lanham 2,892 $1,152 251 $898
13 Cape St. Claire 3,008 $1,559 350 $982
14 Maryland City 3,921 $1,806 1,730 $1,173
15 Owings Mills 5,560 $1,615 7,127 $1,130
16 Camp Springs 6,605 $1,226 613 $784
17 Leesburg 10,845 $1,853 2,632 $1,185
18 Clinton 12,453 $1,618 338 $1,213
19 Queen Anne's County 18,308 $1,855 390 $1,484
20 Baltimore 199,367 $854 46,838 $657

Fairmount Heights, MD home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Quantico 32 $1,196 198 $1,518
2 North Brentwood 130 $1,279 31 $1,649
3 Fairview Beach 160 $1,171 58 $1,346
4 Union Bridge 194 $1,002 163 $1,212
5 Tilghman Island 297 $1,486 43 $1,708
6 Fairmount Heights 391 $1,108 157 $1,329
7 Derwood 466 $2,197 207 $2,856
8 Point of Rocks 482 $1,409 61 $1,747
9 Long Beach 606 $1,893 42 $2,195
10 Queenland 614 $2,897 33 $3,650
11 Bladensburg 617 $1,311 3169 $1,586
12 Springdale 662 $1,976 32 $2,331
13 Huntingtown 1019 $2,196 34 $2,854
14 Friendship Heights Village 1239 $2,090 2409 $2,403
15 Mount Airy 2583 $1,577 554 $1,939
16 Brock Hall 2723 $2,028 356 $2,555
17 Cedar Run 3489 $2,266 523 $2,764
18 Milford Mill 5594 $1,066 6160 $1,268
19 Pasadena 7093 $1,233 1200 $1,454
20 Dundalk 16566 $809 7673 $986