
Garrett County, MD Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Garrett County, MD homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Garrett County, MD & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Deer Park 4 bedroom 26 $787
2 Bobtown 1 bedroom 35 $275
3 Crellin 3 bedroom 59 $490
4 Grantsville 4 bedroom 83 $1,375
5 Cumberland Valley 4 bedroom 85 $1,080
6 Mammoth 3 bedroom 119 $843
7 Pleasant Valley 4 bedroom 121 $918
8 Stockdale 2 bedroom 132 $540
9 Cairnbrook 3 bedroom 144 $393
10 Granville 2 bedroom 152 $367
11 Potomac Park 2 bedroom 163 $641
12 Barrackville 2 bedroom 214 $411
13 Perryopolis 2 bedroom 262 $350
14 Fairdale 2 bedroom 309 $596
15 Oakland 3 bedroom 387 $945
16 Ligonier 4 bedroom 593 $1,127
17 Sherman 2 bedroom 811 $483
18 Mount Pleasant 3 bedroom 2604 $942
19 Western 2 bedroom 3946 $687
20 Garrett County 3 bedroom 8596 $1,012

Garrett County, MD Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Lower Turkeyfoot 31 $318 40 $366
2 Calumet 36 $631 92 $725
3 Perryopolis 38 $526 172 $605
4 Hooversville 42 $344 35 $396
5 Indian Lake 55 $1,514 19 $1,740
6 Confluence 57 $361 45 $415
7 Uniontown 58 $322 151 $370
8 Boswell 79 $381 68 $438
9 Davis 80 $600 29 $690
10 Hyndman 80 $451 22 $518
11 Cook 105 $612 143 $703
12 Shade 133 $427 117 $490
13 Dunkard 139 $296 78 $340
14 Cresaptown 157 $531 147 $610
15 Romney 274 $580 313 $667
16 Old Fields 378 $680 103 $781
17 North Union 448 $447 898 $513
18 Cheat Lake 537 $1,405 248 $1,615
19 Palatine 987 $576 1333 $662
20 Garrett County 2507 $936 1373 $1,076

Garrett County, MD home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Midland 112 $504 16 $388
2 Stoystown 117 $395 32 $252
3 Pleasant Grove 130 $444 25 $315
4 Confluence 287 $527 33 $379
5 Lonaconing 355 $405 44 $287
6 Eckhart Mines 400 $557 19 $350
7 Point Marion 461 $325 36 $214
8 Parsons 574 $327 22 $215
9 Fairchance 699 $383 33 $256
10 Old Fields 1,074 $502 36 $381
11 Romney 1,415 $701 102 $448
12 Capon 1,578 $515 39 $334
13 Grafton 1,864 $402 206 $245
14 Redstone 2,193 $235 19 $157
15 Cumberland 2,593 $549 149 $351
16 Somerset 2,787 $614 23 $460
17 Grant County 4,886 $467 35 $336
18 Barbour County 5,924 $438 215 $302
19 Cumberland 7,563 $471 910 $296
20 Garrett County 15,375 $830 630 $539

Garrett County, MD home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 New Centerville 51 $466 12 $568
2 Greensboro 77 $313 18 $363
3 Ursina 79 $431 24 $534
4 Capon Bridge 83 $971 124 $1,145
5 Arnold City 100 $260 195 $330
6 Newburg 181 $250 26 $292
7 Hooversville 183 $306 100 $370
8 Smock 247 $266 49 $340
9 Roscoe 249 $394 63 $472
10 Terra Alta 474 $357 270 $435
11 Nicholson 503 $503 83 $593
12 Lincoln 506 $632 105 $758
13 Uniontown 642 $302 410 $356
14 Upper Tyrone 643 $416 116 $540
15 Centerville 1067 $633 188 $810
16 1824 $534 721 $614
17 Ligonier 2416 $686 423 $891
18 Somerset 2921 $484 582 $600
19 Barbour County 4768 $369 1438 $453
20 Garrett County 9412 $966 2942 $1,130