
West Brookfield, MA Homeowners Insurance Wonderful Info

Wonderful information about West Brookfield, MA homeowners insurance to help you get the cheapest quotes and save

Home Insurance by bedrooms for West Brookfield, MA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Rowe 2 bedroom 52 $1,518
2 Sharon 3 bedroom 72 $2,557
3 Union 2 bedroom 140 $1,537
4 Sprague 4 bedroom 171 $2,730
5 West Brookfield 1 bedroom 216 $1,031
6 Stow 2 bedroom 397 $2,475
7 Danielson 2 bedroom 403 $855
8 Simsbury 4 bedroom 517 $5,280
9 Groton 2 bedroom 588 $2,557
10 Ware 4 bedroom 729 $1,845
11 Hollis 3 bedroom 885 $2,275
12 Plainfield 4 bedroom 1099 $1,485
13 Upton 3 bedroom 1134 $2,925
14 Swanzey 3 bedroom 1418 $1,620
15 Medway 4 bedroom 1762 $3,555
16 Hebron 3 bedroom 1832 $1,890
17 Greenfield Town 2 bedroom 2708 $1,186
18 Manchester 2 bedroom 8322 $1,141
19 Nashua 3 bedroom 12466 $2,092
20 Hampden County 3 bedroom 75571 $1,507

West Brookfield, MA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Tariffville 76 $1,702 33 $2,041
2 Chesterfield 90 $2,502 17 $3,000
3 Hampden 107 $2,045 58 $2,452
4 North Seekonk 125 $1,801 187 $2,160
5 Warren 201 $1,863 64 $2,234
6 West Brookfield 214 $1,842 45 $2,208
7 Storrs 266 $2,294 51 $2,751
8 Broad Brook 313 $1,972 78 $2,365
9 Hinsdale 328 $1,141 110 $1,368
10 Rutland 348 $2,400 58 $2,878
11 Brooklyn 506 $1,900 121 $2,278
12 Easthampton Town 578 $1,817 455 $2,178
13 Thompson 601 $1,968 281 $2,360
14 Somers 626 $2,874 142 $3,446
15 Foxborough 725 $3,297 261 $3,953
16 East Windsor 860 $1,981 198 $2,376
17 Norfolk 989 $3,129 44 $3,752
18 Norwich 1833 $1,591 860 $1,908
19 Manchester 2627 $1,433 2872 $1,718
20 Cranston 3454 $1,614 2875 $1,935

West Brookfield, MA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Shelburne Falls 438 $1,672 23 $1,220
2 East Brooklyn 501 $1,423 115 $1,081
3 South Lancaster 533 $2,331 23 $1,841
4 Greenfield 589 $1,626 36 $1,268
5 Baldwinville 658 $1,390 38 $1,112
6 Hatfield 1,162 $2,103 107 $1,451
7 West Brookfield 1,287 $1,808 54 $1,084
8 Bolton 1,610 $3,877 22 $2,558
9 Stow 2,271 $3,552 68 $2,379
10 Dudley 3,069 $1,984 121 $1,309
11 Woodstock 3,159 $2,135 54 $1,537
12 Medway 3,748 $3,476 358 $2,224
13 Ellington 4,450 $2,411 566 $1,928
14 Hudson 5,294 $2,381 918 $1,809
15 Walpole 6,753 $2,643 797 $1,638
16 North Attleborough 7,486 $2,775 1,169 $1,914
17 Leominster 9,297 $2,010 3,037 $1,306
18 East Hartford 12,037 $1,197 3,984 $849
19 Chicopee 13,112 $1,407 2,622 $1,027
20 Tolland County 43,168 $2,064 4,273 $1,341

West Brookfield, MA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Wauregan 201 $1,499 227 $1,753
2 Leyden 279 $2,335 26 $2,942
3 North Grosvenor Dale 300 $1,478 367 $1,832
4 South Ashburnham 326 $1,714 17 $2,108
5 Shutesbury 639 $2,084 103 $2,396
6 Pascoag 954 $1,744 501 $2,023
7 Littleton Common 956 $2,780 216 $3,224
8 West Brookfield 1043 $2,329 390 $3,004
9 Coventry Lake 1142 $1,515 89 $1,772
10 Chesterfield 1263 $1,716 193 $2,162
11 Canterbury 1795 $1,674 327 $2,042
12 Glastonbury Center 2235 $2,647 1081 $3,441
13 Orange 2268 $1,425 1047 $1,653
14 Rutland 2388 $1,873 251 $2,416
15 Groton 3256 $4,005 522 $5,086
16 Charlton 3538 $2,279 873 $2,666
17 Suffield 4213 $2,740 771 $3,233
18 Tolland 4999 $2,453 460 $3,188
19 Acton 6303 $3,368 1911 $4,210
20 West Hartford 18356 $2,750 6738 $3,217