
Incredible West Boylston, MA Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your West Boylston, MA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for West Boylston, MA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Foster Center 1 bedroom 46 $990
2 Deering 4 bedroom 103 $2,530
3 Scotland 4 bedroom 126 $2,255
4 Lyndeborough 2 bedroom 154 $1,957
5 Eastford 2 bedroom 163 $1,777
6 Brookfield 4 bedroom 164 $2,365
7 Stow 2 bedroom 397 $2,557
8 Millville 3 bedroom 428 $2,002
9 Southborough 2 bedroom 523 $2,112
10 West Boylston 2 bedroom 628 $1,462
11 Hadley 3 bedroom 911 $1,687
12 Barre 3 bedroom 1132 $1,743
13 Lincoln 4 bedroom 1409 $2,535
14 Windham 4 bedroom 1652 $3,015
15 Winchendon 3 bedroom 1858 $1,800
16 Canton 4 bedroom 1894 $6,240
17 Holliston 3 bedroom 1982 $2,400
18 Tolland 3 bedroom 2669 $2,002
19 Leominster 2 bedroom 6567 $1,552
20 Windham County 4 bedroom 6976 $3,087

West Boylston, MA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 South Deerfield 33 $2,338 43 $2,706
2 Hopedale 71 $2,805 85 $3,246
3 West Swanzey 79 $1,147 36 $1,328
4 North Seekonk 101 $2,205 111 $2,551
5 Putnam 203 $1,400 418 $1,619
6 West Boylston 204 $2,434 267 $2,816
7 Arlington 301 $4,165 2101 $4,820
8 Valley Falls 331 $1,587 793 $1,836
9 Southampton 420 $2,268 304 $2,624
10 Westminster 424 $1,855 238 $2,147
11 Atkinson 474 $2,687 208 $3,109
12 Abington 606 $2,269 619 $2,625
13 Medfield 646 $4,116 945 $4,762
14 Holyoke 737 $1,626 1704 $1,881
15 Lynn 825 $1,643 2284 $1,901
16 Lincoln 850 $2,069 979 $2,394
17 Charlton 980 $2,564 265 $2,966
18 Quincy 2479 $2,687 2985 $3,109
19 Franklin Town 2738 $3,252 1440 $3,763
20 Hampshire County 5935 $2,213 6387 $2,561

West Boylston, MA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Greenville 476 $1,283 66 $782
2 East Douglas 539 $2,136 149 $1,281
3 Baldwinville 658 $1,390 38 $1,014
4 Raynham Center 1,154 $2,556 316 $1,789
5 Avon 1,349 $2,918 33 $2,276
6 Thompsonville 1,527 $1,467 484 $1,056
7 West Boylston 1,890 $2,632 131 $1,947
8 Groveland 2,036 $3,209 72 $2,438
9 Weare 3,042 $2,338 39 $1,636
10 Townsend 3,085 $2,067 213 $1,322
11 Valley Falls 3,277 $1,614 144 $1,242
12 Everett 4,004 $2,105 1,886 $1,473
13 Oxford 4,021 $2,158 167 $1,489
14 North Andover 7,070 $2,964 1,618 $2,163
15 Hudson 7,112 $1,764 408 $1,411
16 Randolph 8,792 $1,958 2,215 $1,253
17 Agawam Town 8,812 $1,682 1,232 $1,042
18 Tewksbury 9,228 $2,135 1,021 $1,686
19 Methuen Town 12,239 $2,415 2,585 $1,859
20 Cheshire County 24,186 $1,334 2,147 $893

West Boylston, MA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Union 321 $2,353 29 $3,035
2 Dublin 480 $2,415 140 $2,801
3 Whately 565 $2,011 84 $2,352
4 Phillipston 632 $1,564 17 $1,876
5 Turners Falls 1014 $1,348 1014 $1,550
6 Nahant 1081 $3,879 503 $4,732
7 Pomfret 1200 $2,305 352 $2,789
8 Ashford 1355 $1,848 295 $2,180
9 Warren 1436 $1,509 680 $1,946
10 Hadley 1480 $3,023 621 $3,748
11 Barre 1660 $1,498 277 $1,902
12 West Boylston 1853 $1,801 488 $2,323
13 Templeton 2334 $1,623 505 $1,947
14 Sutton 2691 $2,796 360 $3,271
15 Uxbridge 3961 $2,624 944 $3,122
16 Windham 4377 $1,283 4580 $1,629
17 Bedford 6088 $2,954 952 $3,751
18 Woonsocket 6753 $1,721 9765 $2,185
19 Revere 9857 $2,279 9665 $2,939
20 Hillsborough County 104710 $2,115 49037 $2,559