
Agawam Town, MA Homeowners Insurance Ultimate Metrics

You have to look at this ultimate Agawam Town, MA homeowners insurance metrics to believe how cheap your quotes can get if you know the right details.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Agawam Town, MA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Chester 4 bedroom 121 $2,420
2 Erving 2 bedroom 215 $1,218
3 Shutesbury 2 bedroom 233 $1,381
4 Brimfield 4 bedroom 301 $2,775
5 Middlefield 4 bedroom 314 $3,780
6 Canaan 3 bedroom 366 $1,980
7 Hillsdale 2 bedroom 393 $1,935
8 East Granby 4 bedroom 421 $3,555
9 Kensington 4 bedroom 443 $3,195
10 Huntington 3 bedroom 497 $1,781
11 Lake Pocotopaug 2 bedroom 605 $1,552
12 Chester 3 bedroom 714 $1,760
13 Stafford Springs 3 bedroom 763 $1,575
14 Thompson 2 bedroom 954 $1,316
15 Agawam Town 4 bedroom 1776 $2,990
16 Killingly 2 bedroom 1934 $880
17 West Springfield 1 bedroom 2099 $1,031
18 Greenfield Town 2 bedroom 2708 $866
19 Newington 2 bedroom 4477 $1,040
20 Hampden County 2 bedroom 54360 $1,251

Agawam Town, MA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Savoy 59 $1,391 29 $1,599
2 Watertown 59 $2,324 449 $2,671
3 Tyringham 74 $3,600 46 $4,138
4 Russell 81 $1,858 70 $2,135
5 Shelburne 84 $2,305 32 $2,649
6 Falls Village 85 $2,532 17 $2,910
7 Lyme 166 $4,706 65 $5,408
8 Hampton 169 $1,809 89 $2,079
9 Suffield Depot 180 $3,159 69 $3,631
10 West Brookfield 214 $1,592 105 $1,830
11 Northfield 219 $2,296 60 $2,639
12 Sheffield 260 $2,465 174 $2,833
13 Sherwood Manor 307 $1,311 562 $1,507
14 Palmer Town 404 $1,245 903 $1,431
15 Orange 460 $1,528 414 $1,756
16 Thomaston 582 $2,197 394 $2,525
17 Gardner 1178 $1,270 719 $1,459
18 Colchester 1369 $1,815 536 $2,085
19 Agawam Town 1504 $1,805 2004 $2,075
20 Middletown 3511 $1,742 2629 $2,002

Agawam Town, MA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Hancock 315 $1,903 32 $1,294
2 Pelham 509 $2,150 10 $1,440
3 Wales 777 $1,894 10 $1,325
4 Copake Lake 839 $1,671 10 $1,136
5 Sprague 965 $1,955 64 $1,309
6 Rockville 983 $1,736 786 $1,215
7 North Canaan 1,277 $2,158 84 $1,553
8 Deep River 1,671 $2,284 221 $1,598
9 Hazardville 1,682 $1,365 59 $1,037
10 Great Barrington 2,124 $2,399 249 $1,799
11 Dalton 2,211 $1,774 182 $1,135
12 Ellington 4,450 $2,082 566 $1,353
13 Coventry 4,503 $1,810 103 $1,339
14 Oxford 4,525 $2,718 11 $2,092
15 Tolland 5,034 $1,940 200 $1,202
16 Montville 5,866 $1,848 161 $1,330
17 West Springfield 6,753 $1,511 2,036 $921
18 Farmington 8,342 $2,910 1,135 $2,182
19 Agawam Town 8,812 $2,074 1,232 $1,638
20 Waterbury 20,591 $1,234 8,560 $876

Agawam Town, MA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Peru 322 $1,643 20 $2,135
2 Granville 519 $2,543 43 $3,077
3 Conway 686 $2,702 55 $3,431
4 Wales 697 $1,872 80 $2,377
5 Holland 840 $1,624 157 $2,062
6 Broad Brook 993 $1,833 694 $2,236
7 Watertown 1138 $2,499 251 $2,948
8 Coventry Lake 1142 $1,246 89 $1,557
9 Stafford Springs 1291 $1,381 836 $1,767
10 Hadley 1480 $2,586 621 $3,232
11 Southampton 1964 $2,375 373 $2,826
12 Willimantic 2086 $1,438 3753 $1,739
13 Glastonbury Center 2235 $2,585 1081 $3,205
14 Durham 2443 $3,051 146 $3,905
15 Thompson 2892 $1,502 726 $1,727
16 Canton 3351 $2,739 655 $3,314
17 Athol 3401 $1,522 1105 $1,841
18 Tolland 4999 $2,482 460 $3,102
19 Agawam Town 8848 $1,705 2622 $2,080
20 Waterbury 20768 $1,298 21473 $1,544