
Sharon, MA Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Sharon, MA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Sharon, MA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Wyoming 3 bedroom 26 $2,447
2 Chepachet 3 bedroom 265 $1,787
3 Whitinsville 4 bedroom 463 $2,242
4 North Brookfield 2 bedroom 617 $1,137
5 Freetown 2 bedroom 629 $1,597
6 Newbury 2 bedroom 697 $3,087
7 Spencer 4 bedroom 768 $3,037
8 Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock 3 bedroom 1092 $1,952
9 Lancaster 3 bedroom 1108 $1,530
10 West Greenwich 3 bedroom 1134 $2,697
11 Maynard 3 bedroom 1788 $2,337
12 Sharon 3 bedroom 2110 $4,050
13 Watertown Town 1 bedroom 2339 $1,842
14 Stoneham 2 bedroom 2675 $1,440
15 Central Falls 3 bedroom 3007 $1,687
16 Falmouth 4 bedroom 5020 $3,825
17 Windham County 4 bedroom 6976 $2,420
18 Quincy 3 bedroom 10332 $1,842
19 New Bedford 2 bedroom 13975 $1,381
20 Kent County 2 bedroom 20670 $1,593

Sharon, MA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Kingston 100 $2,614 142 $3,047
2 Barrington 200 $3,357 397 $3,914
3 Mattapoisett Center 209 $2,588 235 $3,017
4 Valley Falls 295 $2,070 538 $2,413
5 Westwood 305 $5,164 619 $6,020
6 Fairhaven 309 $2,144 506 $2,500
7 Plainville 389 $2,659 598 $3,100
8 Sharon 422 $3,874 951 $4,516
9 Clinton 480 $1,784 366 $2,080
10 Rehoboth 487 $2,674 669 $3,117
11 Sudbury 548 $3,742 1008 $4,362
12 Milton 553 $2,800 642 $3,264
13 Newport 701 $3,238 1148 $3,775
14 North Kingstown 808 $2,684 1955 $3,129
15 Milford 848 $2,503 1673 $2,918
16 Charlton 850 $2,232 893 $2,602
17 Hudson 876 $2,379 1004 $2,773
18 Uxbridge 891 $1,888 317 $2,201
19 Attleboro 1682 $2,343 2074 $2,731
20 Revere 1801 $2,062 1805 $2,404

Sharon, MA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Wenham 1,244 $5,391 29 $3,665
2 Avon 1,349 $2,049 33 $1,331
3 West Greenwich 1,991 $2,385 170 $1,431
4 Blackstone 2,509 $2,116 35 $1,565
5 Hollis 2,654 $3,239 40 $2,040
6 Norwell 3,317 $4,095 72 $2,907
7 Scituate 3,548 $2,305 123 $1,797
8 Groton 3,671 $4,233 131 $3,259
9 Windham 4,682 $3,564 80 $2,423
10 North Reading 4,737 $2,954 608 $2,156
11 Sharon 5,532 $2,915 472 $2,215
12 Fairhaven 5,668 $1,962 499 $1,177
13 Pembroke 5,853 $3,014 380 $2,170
14 Bridgewater 5,856 $2,237 823 $1,789
15 Somerset 6,240 $2,536 266 $1,546
16 West Warwick 6,689 $1,946 2,532 $1,284
17 Milton 7,214 $4,061 776 $3,126
18 Beverly 8,985 $3,404 2,849 $2,246
19 Coventry 10,896 $2,302 546 $1,634
20 Plymouth County 148,692 $2,950 15,336 $2,183

Sharon, MA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 North Grosvenor Dale 300 $1,813 367 $2,103
2 White Island Shores 570 $2,031 106 $2,640
3 Mattapoisett Center 921 $3,757 292 $4,733
4 Dunstable 1076 $3,275 62 $4,028
5 Townsend 2804 $2,284 470 $2,695
6 Hanson 2957 $3,010 384 $3,882
7 Middletown 3378 $2,910 3118 $3,521
8 Medfield 3601 $3,907 424 $4,649
9 Uxbridge 3961 $2,862 944 $3,377
10 Norton 5297 $2,076 868 $2,408
11 Sharon 5439 $3,735 799 $4,519
12 Somerset 5839 $1,916 1209 $2,299
13 Bridgewater 6136 $2,838 1825 $3,575
14 Everett 6229 $2,947 9056 $3,683
15 Watertown Town 7334 $3,706 6676 $4,410
16 Johnston 7951 $1,638 3610 $2,014
17 Needham 8653 $4,233 1716 $4,952
18 Lexington 9403 $4,479 2052 $5,464
19 Waltham 11443 $3,760 11990 $4,474
20 Medford 13213 $3,315 9538 $4,276